Sunday, November 27, 2011

Baby Bump - 38 weeks

This picture was taken on Thanksgiving - I was 38 weeks and 1 day. I can't even believe we are so close! As of today we are 10 days away from our due date!

I am feeling really good. Going from sitting to standing or getting out of bed seems to still get harder by the day, but otherwise I feel good.

I get LOTS of comments from strangers. I have been out and about a lot and especially over the holidays Greg and I have been running a lot of errands. I no longer get asked - "How far along are you?", but instead "How much longer?!" or "Girl you are about to pop!" or "WOWWW".

Our bags are mostly packed, nursery is ready, Christmas decorations are up, most of the Christmas shopping is done, and now it is just a waiting game. At my 38 week appointment I was 1.5cm and still 50% effaced. My next appointment is tomorrow so we'll see if there has been any progress. I haven't had any signs of labor yet, just the normal Braxton Hicks and the occasional strange shooting pains which I have been having for a while now. Cambry still moves a lot and gets hiccups often.

I have so many mixed feelings right now. I am so excited and cannot wait to meet our little girl. At times I will suddenly feel panicked and scared about the actual labor and delivery. Then at times I get nervous that I will have no idea how to take care of a baby. Feed, burp, then change??? I could not fall asleep one night because I was not sure if I remembered the correct order - ha! Then other times I get a little sad that I am almost done being pregnant. I try to treasure these last few days and weeks of having the privilege of carrying a LIFE inside. I don't want to forget all the amazing kicks and movements she does - it is such a miracle. But then sometimes when I am laying in bed trying to fall asleep and she won't stop moving I think gosh I just need some alone time!

We had a great Thanksgiving at my parent's house this year. Some family friends joined us and we ate some really good food. Sadly, my sister and Cody and Kyler were in Arizona so we didn't get to see them. And of course we missed the Mattern family too. But hopefully we will see them soon! But I am so thankful for the family/friends we did get to see and we truly have so much to be thankful for.

I meant to post these a while back but these are a couple of craft ideas that I found online and loved.

I used the satin flower tutorial on Jones Design Company blog found here. It was so easy and I love how the flowers turned out. Then I just sewed it onto some elastic lace. I made a headband for Cambry and then made several more for friends who are having girls. If you have a little girl you should definitely try this out. And on the website she has lots of other good ideas for these flowers - put them on a clip, on a sweater, on shoes, etc!

I made these for hostess gifts - Vanilla Brown Sugar Body Scrub. I used the tutorial found here. I think these would also make great Christmas gifts or good teacher gifts. I will have to remember this for a few years down the road.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Baby Bump - 37 Weeks

I have gotten a little behind on my weekly belly pics, so here is a catch up of the last few weeks.

And for my current week picture, I thought I would put it next to my 32 week picture since I am wearing the same shirt and you can see what a difference 5 weeks makes!

At 37 weeks I am...

- Still feeling good, just large.

- 1 cm / 50% effaced (same as I was at my 36 week appt)

- So thankful that Cambry is head down! I had an ultrasound last week that showed she was in the head down position. They also estimated her weight to be 6lb 15 oz last week. The Dr. said babies gain about a half pound a week, making her approximately 9 lbs at 40 weeks! I know these estimates are not that accurate because I have had lots of people tell me how their estimates were way off from their babies birth weight. We will just have to wait and see how big she really is. But 9 lbs does make me a little nervous! I told Cambry she is free to come out any time now but she seems happy to stay put for the time being.

- Enjoying having normal sized feet! The swelling has definitely improved now that I am not sitting in an office all day.

- Eating smaller meals. I get hungry quickly after a meal, but still have to stick to small frequent meals since clearly Cambry is taking up ALL THE ROOM and leaving very little for my actual stomach.

- Sleeping well still. Changing sides takes an enormous amount of effort, but overall I am not too uncomfortable and for that I am very thankful!

I had my last day of work last Thursday. It was bittersweet. I am excited to be a stay at home mom but I was really sad to say goodbye to everyone at work. I had been with Transocean for 6 1/2 years and really liked my job and my co-workers. Everyone was so sweet about my decision to stop working. They had a goodbye lunch for me and cupcakes on my last week. I was pretty emotional on my last day of work, but thankfully was able to hold the tears in until I got to the car :)

But now that I am past the sadness of saying goodbyes, I have really been enjoying my first week off! Greg likes to tease me that now I stay at home and watch soap operas and eat bonbons all day - ha. I told him being a stay at home wife is very stressful trying to coordinate all my lunch dates now :) Just kidding. I have been able to relax and meet up with a few friends but I have also had a chance to be productive and get things done. It is a huge blessing to have time off before little girl makes her arrival.

Nursery and a Name

Most of you probably have heard the name we have been thinking about, but it is finally official.

Cambry Paige Mattern

I am glad we have that decided. Ok, on to the nursery. We finished the nursery this weekend! I am so happy to have it done. Here are some pictures.

Michelle did the bedding. She has a blog with her other work here. She did such a wonderful job - I just love how the bedding turned out. And her prices were so reasonable. She was an absolute sweet heart. I would definitely recommend her!

Now we just need a baby in there!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Maternity Photo Shoot

Today Greg and I had fun doing a photo shoot. Greg took these maternity pictures of me and then set up the tripod to get some with both of us. I think he did such a great job! He took a ton of pictures and it was hard to narrow it down because I have so many favorites. So here are a bunch from today.