Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Baby #2 Bumpdate: 29 Weeks

Here are some comparison pictures to my pregnancy with Cambry. I am definitely bigger at 29 weeks that I was with Cambry. But at least I feel like the gap is closing. Early on in this pregnancy I felt like I was about 8 weeks ahead of where I was with Cambry. Now I am thinking maybe I am only about 3 weeks ahead. I think I look similar in size to my 31 week picture with Cambry, or maybe slightly bigger. Maybe just wishful thinking, but I am just going to convince myself the gap is closing :)

How Far Along:  29 Weeks

Baby's Size:  Butternut Squash

Maternity Clothes: Yep! I am still trying to squeeze into some regular clothes too, but most shirts are too short.

Movement: Lots of movement.

Sleep: Great. At least one bathroom trip a night though. It also seems like I have so many dreams each night.

Symptoms: Low energy, feet swell a bit by the end of the day, restless legs, and braxton hicks each day. Also this week I have a cold, but that is not due to pregnancy. Oh, and I already feel the urge to waddle. I definitely try not to in public but at home sometimes I just have to. My belly definitely feels huge and heavy.

Food Aversions/Cravings:  Nothing new really.

Best Moment this Week: Being back home after a week away.

What I miss: Having energy, being able to maneuver easily, bending down easily, shaving easily, and being able to eat raw cookie dough.

What I am Looking Forward to: Having another ultrasound. I can't wait to see her again! Although I don't think I will get one until maybe 36 or 37 weeks

Goals: I am keeping the same goals as I wrote last time since I just posted my previous update a few days ago and I haven't completed those goals. Hang the curtains in the nursery and buy a big frame. Also to start researching/decide on which video monitor to get.


  1. You do look similar to your 31 weeks with Cambry, but you look great! And I love your top, cute colors!

  2. You look fantastic!! And I actually think you look a big smaller than 31 weeks with Cambry.

  3. Tracy - I think we are going to name her Lainey.
