We had a great week leading up to Easter. On Wednesday our Bible study group got together as usual and we had an egg hunt for the kids. Before they went out Kristen used resurrection eggs to tell the Easter story. The kids listened slightly better than last year, but still a bit chaotic. At least the word was taught!
Cambry was all about getting the eggs at first. She excitedly loaded up her basket. (They were all candy filled). But after collecting some eggs, while there were still MANY on the ground, she said she was all done and wanted to swing. She walked over to the swing set. There was an egg sitting in the swing. She picked it up, threw it over her shoulder, and hopped in the swing. So funny.
Thursday we had a friend come over with her little boy and we made resurrection rolls/empty tomb rolls (crescent rolls with a marshmallow). The kids had fun making these and it was a good opportunity to talk through the Easter story with them. We all enjoyed eating them afterward.
Saturday we went to Blessington Farms. This was our first time to go and it was a lot of fun. There was a little egg hunt, barrel car ride, hay maze, slides, animals, and lots of other fun things. We brought a picnic lunch and had a good time. I saw 2 other Houston Moms Blog contributors so that was fun.
Later that evening we dyed eggs.
Sunday morning we went to the 8am service at church and actually made it there on time! We did pictures afterward in case you are wondering. Otherwise we would have never been on time. The service was great. It is always nice to be at our home church for a holiday since we usually are with family on Christmas. Poor Lainey could barely move in her dress and we could barely buckle her in her car seat but she looked adorable in all the poof.

We usually don't get home from church until about 12:45pm, so getting home at 9:45am made the day seem so long. Greg and Cambry made homemade pancakes when we got home. Then we gave the girls their Easter baskets with goodies. My parents came over in the afternoon and brought food. We hung out and had a good time. Somehow we forgot to do an egg hunt. Oops. It did rain a little bit during parts of the day and since Cambry seemed to be getting burnt out on hunts we just let it slide. There's always next year. Thankful for Easter and Jesus's sacrifice on the cross for us and that he is ALIVE.