Saturday morning we tried to go to a fishing derby in the Woodlands but the lake was so packed with families there was no room to even cast. So we left and tried out a new park. I love that there are so many great parks in the Woodlands.
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Spring Break
We started off the week by celebrating my Dad's birthday. Although his recovery has been long and slow, he is doing great. My mom cooked his favorite meal (meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and green beans) and I made his favorite dessert (apple pie). Greg planted a satsuma tree in their yard for his birthday present. Hopefully in a couple years we will get some nice fruit.
I took the kids to the zoo on Wednesday and met a friend there. We hadn't been to the zoo in a very long time so it was a nice treat. It was super crowded but we still had fun and saw plenty of animals.
Greg took Friday off work and we met some friends at the Rodeo. It was a beautiful day outside. We saw lots of livestock, rode the carousel, the girls fed camels, Cambry rode the tilt-a-whirl with Greg, they all went in the petting zoo, did the kid farm, and watched pig races. We didn't get a chance to see mutton bustin this year. Maybe next year.
I got a pedicure with a friend that afternoon and then we all went to the YMCA. Greg and I worked out together, which we rarely do. I usually take classes there but I like when we can go together and Greg can show me new things to do in the weight room.
Saturday morning we tried to go to a fishing derby in the Woodlands but the lake was so packed with families there was no room to even cast. So we left and tried out a new park. I love that there are so many great parks in the Woodlands.
Also this week we hit up the library, another park, and a couple stores. I want to treasure all the time I have with Cambry at home before she starts kindergarten in the fall. It was a great spring break.
Saturday morning we tried to go to a fishing derby in the Woodlands but the lake was so packed with families there was no room to even cast. So we left and tried out a new park. I love that there are so many great parks in the Woodlands.
Friday, March 3, 2017
Family Facts
Greg / Me
Greg and I had our 9 year anniversary. I guess we are no longer newlyweds. We had Gigi's cupcakes that night and then on Friday we went on a lunch date. We never do that so it was a fun treat. We ate at Escalantes and sat outside right next to Lake Woodlands and enjoyed this beautiful spring weather we have been having.
This week I called him freaking out because there was a wasp in the house. Third one in less than a week. He rescheduled a meeting so he could come home and kill it. That's true love, people.
Greg took all 3 kids to Waco the other weekend by himself. So brave. The girls did great but Colton was a major fusser. While Greg and the kids were in Waco I had a great time hanging out with my parents, shopping, and watching Friday Night Lights.
In January Greg and I joined a small group at church. We meet twice a month at the church and the kids go in childcare. There are 4 other couples in the group and I am looking forward to getting to know them all better. We also found a great Sunday school class at church which we have started going to.
Our house is slowly but surely coming along. I finally found (with my mom's help!) the perfect dining room table. And Greg hung the chandelier we ordered. I still haven't picked out chairs. That will take another couple months, haha. But at least the room is coming along. Greg also installed new light fixtures in the kids' bathroom. You can see the old one on the other side in the reflection.
This boy has been clingy and fussy lately. We think he is going through a painful teething phase because he has also been a major drooler. Basically for a week if I didn't hold him he would cry. He has gotten better, but there is still plenty of fussing throughout the day.
Suddenly he won't suck on his lovie. That thing has been constantly in his mouth since forever. He has been so attached to it and it always calms him down. We aren't sure what happened but suddenly he refuses to put it in his mouth. Although he still wants to hold it, it doesn't comfort him like it did before. Bedtimes are now harder, and he no longer wakes up and hangs out quite/happy in his crib in the mornings. Hopefully this unhappy phase will pass.
Colton seems to pick up on words so quickly. His new words lately are sissy, Lainey, shoe, sock, snack, cracker, doggie, uppy (when he wants you to pull him up on the couch), and it sounds like he says tractor sometimes but he may be referring to a truck.
Colton will be getting upgraded to a big boy car seat soon. He is still in the infant one (yikes!). I finally ordered a new one for Cambry so we can bump Colton and Lainey up. Lets hope the new car seat fits in my car; otherwise we are gonna have to go car shopping!
We have recently noticed that he doesn't like to get his hands dirty (just like Cambry!), He lost his balance at the park and one hand landed in the mulch chips. He couldn't get up but would not place his clean hand in the mulch to push himself up!
She loves therapy. As soon as her therapist walks through the door Lainey runs to her, grabs her hand, and starts pulling her toward the door. It is too funny.
She does therapy with another kid when she does it at the school, and she really loves this new little girl she is with. They hug and hold hands and it is the sweetest thing.
I registered Lainey for preschool! She will be going to the school Cambry is at this year on MWF. I am excited and anxious about it at the same time. She is super social and I think she will love it. It will just be hard not being able to communicate fully about her day and what she did and what she thought of it.
Lainey sleeps with so many things it is ridiculous. She now wants 2 Aden & Anais blankets, her big comforter, a bear, a sheep, 3 babies, and a unicorn. There is hardly room for her.
She had Go Texan Day at school but was very reluctant to dress up. It took a lot of convincing to get her to wear this cute outfit. And we had to make some modifications to the cowboy hat she got from preschool because there was blue on it and it was just not pretty enough. She still wouldn't really wear the hat but at least she let me take a picture with it on.
Poor girl got a tummy bug the other week. I think it was her first one. She missed one day of school but recovered pretty quickly. Thankfully no one else got it.
We have been reading another one of the Little House on the Prarie books to Cambry and she really likes it. We read her the first one about a year ago and recently checked out another from the library. We read a little bit each night and we are almost to the end.
She has gotten really good at riding her scooter. She will ride her bike (with training wheels) some too, but her scooter seems to be her current favorite.
Cambry's favorite things to do indoors are playing with her magnet dolls, removable stickers, and coloring.
Greg and I had our 9 year anniversary. I guess we are no longer newlyweds. We had Gigi's cupcakes that night and then on Friday we went on a lunch date. We never do that so it was a fun treat. We ate at Escalantes and sat outside right next to Lake Woodlands and enjoyed this beautiful spring weather we have been having.
This week I called him freaking out because there was a wasp in the house. Third one in less than a week. He rescheduled a meeting so he could come home and kill it. That's true love, people.
Greg took all 3 kids to Waco the other weekend by himself. So brave. The girls did great but Colton was a major fusser. While Greg and the kids were in Waco I had a great time hanging out with my parents, shopping, and watching Friday Night Lights.
In January Greg and I joined a small group at church. We meet twice a month at the church and the kids go in childcare. There are 4 other couples in the group and I am looking forward to getting to know them all better. We also found a great Sunday school class at church which we have started going to.
Our house is slowly but surely coming along. I finally found (with my mom's help!) the perfect dining room table. And Greg hung the chandelier we ordered. I still haven't picked out chairs. That will take another couple months, haha. But at least the room is coming along. Greg also installed new light fixtures in the kids' bathroom. You can see the old one on the other side in the reflection.
Suddenly he won't suck on his lovie. That thing has been constantly in his mouth since forever. He has been so attached to it and it always calms him down. We aren't sure what happened but suddenly he refuses to put it in his mouth. Although he still wants to hold it, it doesn't comfort him like it did before. Bedtimes are now harder, and he no longer wakes up and hangs out quite/happy in his crib in the mornings. Hopefully this unhappy phase will pass.
Colton seems to pick up on words so quickly. His new words lately are sissy, Lainey, shoe, sock, snack, cracker, doggie, uppy (when he wants you to pull him up on the couch), and it sounds like he says tractor sometimes but he may be referring to a truck.
Colton will be getting upgraded to a big boy car seat soon. He is still in the infant one (yikes!). I finally ordered a new one for Cambry so we can bump Colton and Lainey up. Lets hope the new car seat fits in my car; otherwise we are gonna have to go car shopping!
We have recently noticed that he doesn't like to get his hands dirty (just like Cambry!), He lost his balance at the park and one hand landed in the mulch chips. He couldn't get up but would not place his clean hand in the mulch to push himself up!
She does therapy with another kid when she does it at the school, and she really loves this new little girl she is with. They hug and hold hands and it is the sweetest thing.
I registered Lainey for preschool! She will be going to the school Cambry is at this year on MWF. I am excited and anxious about it at the same time. She is super social and I think she will love it. It will just be hard not being able to communicate fully about her day and what she did and what she thought of it.
Lainey sleeps with so many things it is ridiculous. She now wants 2 Aden & Anais blankets, her big comforter, a bear, a sheep, 3 babies, and a unicorn. There is hardly room for her.
Poor girl got a tummy bug the other week. I think it was her first one. She missed one day of school but recovered pretty quickly. Thankfully no one else got it.
She has gotten really good at riding her scooter. She will ride her bike (with training wheels) some too, but her scooter seems to be her current favorite.
Cambry's favorite things to do indoors are playing with her magnet dolls, removable stickers, and coloring.