Monday, January 29, 2018

More Christmases and NYE 2017

The Friday after Christmas my sister Ashley and her boyfriend came over to our house. They had just arrived in Houston and were making the rounds visiting family. We had a nice lunch for them and exchanged gifts. It wasn't a very long visit but it was nice to spend a couple hours with them. I made them take a picture in front of our photo backdrop that we had set up for our NYE party we were hosting a couple days later.

That afternoon we headed to Waco to celebrate Christmas with the Mattern side of the family. The kids always count down the days until we go to Waco. They had a fun family party for Anderson who turned 5. The kids played games, ate cake, and did a piñata. 

On Saturday we had a nice big lunch and we opened gifts. It was a very fun day. Nana also had a bunch of games planned that weekend with prizes included so we all had a great time with that. Unfortunately I did not take any pictures. We were all too busy enjoying ourselves.

We came home on Sunday and got ready for our NYE party. I had done most of the decorations and prep work before we left. Our small group came over and our next door neighbors as well. We had Greg's delicious chili for dinner, and everyone brought appetizers and desserts. We did an early countdown and champagne toast since we knew none of the kids would make it very late. Then we put on the movie Sing for the kids while the adults played a newlywed style game. By 9:30 everyone had left to go put kids to bed. We had the best time with everyone! Greg and I did a quick clean up then enjoyed some Netflix. We actually made it till midnight! Happy New Year's Eve!

Friday, January 26, 2018

Cambry 6 Years Old

I wrote a post about Cambry's birthday party, but I didn't write any details on her yet. So here is her belated 6 year old high-lights post.

Our sweet Cambry is such a joy and delight. I love watching her grow and learn. It is neat to have deeper conversations with her. She is so very thoughtful, smart, and considerate. She loves unicorns, princesses, and anything pink and purple.

She is definitely a rule follower. She will cut herself off of sweets if offered something and she thinks she has had too many.

She is very much a perfectionist.

She is very artistic and creative. I have been so impressed by her drawings recently.

When she started Kindergarten this year she knew a few sight words but definitely wasn't reading. Now she is doing such a good job reading! It is amazing how over the past several months she has come so far in the level of reading she is on. She really enjoys when we read her books as well. She of course loves all the girly books like Fancy Nancy, Pinkalicious, Amelia Bedelia, etc. She is a great student and enjoys school. She gets along well with the kids in her class. I usually go up to school about once a week or every other week to eat lunch with her. The first time I did I leaned in for a hug as I was about to say goodbye. She laughed nervously and said "What are you doing??" Haha. Such a teenager. 

More and more Cambry has become such a helpful big sister. She will help Colton with all kinds of stuff and help teach Lainey things. She will help with holding their hands through parking lots and try to talk them through things that they don't understand. She will initiate games like chase or hide and seek or other silly things and work hard to get them involved.

She learned to ride her bike without training wheels at the beginning of the school year. Most of the time she rides her bike home from school while I push the littles in the double stroller. Her newest thing she is determined to accomplish is swinging across the monkey bars.

She takes a combination dance class (tap/ballet/jazz) once a week and she is adorable.

Her favorite things to do at home are play with dollhouse dolls, play with baby dolls, build things out of magnatiles or legos, and draw/color. She also like games such as Memory, Zingo, and Spoons.

Cambry is such a talker at home. She still loves to tell long stories about imaginary characters. Especially in the evening once Greg gets home she is talking up a storm and we basically have to raise our hands to interrupt and get a word in.

She is all about skirts and dresses. Every single day.

Although she is still a picky eater, she has improved. She actually likes some of the things that I cook now. Her favorite thing is a broccoli sausage pasta dish that I make.

She loves playing outside with friends. One neighbor has 2 granddaughters that come over all the time, and there is also a 3 year old and a 4 year old girl (almost 5) on the street. We joke that their playdates are at least 5 hours long. The will be out there all day riding bikes, scooters, collecting leaves and acorns, jumping on the trampoline, etc.

Slow down time! I love the age Cambry is at but I don't want her to keep getting older. She is precious and has the sweetest heart. Just stay little forever. Happy birthday baby girl!

Monday, January 22, 2018

Christmas Morning 2017

Our plan for Christmas morning was that my parents would arrive early in the morning to see the kids open presents. We would hang out for a while then they would head home. Later after naps we would go over to their house for a nice dinner and to celebrate my mom's birthday. Unfortunately on Christmas Eve my mom came down with the flu. My dad had just recovered from having it. It was a huge disappointment for everyone. We ended up doing Christmas with them several days later when she was feeling better.

Though we missed Gigi and Pa, we had a wonderful relaxing Christmas at home. We took our time opening gifts and just enjoying the day being together. When the kids first came downstairs they saw that Santa had brought the girls a Power Wheels and Colton a train table. 

Colton was truly in love with the train table. He actually wasn't interested in opening presents or playing with other toys for the rest of the day. He even told me while I was changing his diaper - I want to play trains all day. When we ate breakfast he insisted on facing his train table.

After our yummy breakfast we opened stockings. Stockings are my favorite part! Cambry was most excited about the invisible ink pen she got (Lainey and Colton got one too).

We had to take a break outside to try the new toy. Lainey is still too nervous to ride in it but hopefully she will want to try it out soon.

 We put wrapping paper on the french doors leading to the playroom where we hid the girls' gift from Gigi and Pa. I took a video (just a screen shot below though) since they weren't there to see the girls reactions. They LOVED their huge new doll house.

We took our time the rest of the morning slowing opening the gifts and letting the kids play with them as they went. It was so much fun.

Then the kids went outside for another surprise from Nana and Pops. So fun!

 The kids played outside later and we enjoyed the rest of the day together. So thankful for a nice Christmas and especially the true celebration of a Savior born for all of us. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Christmas Eve 2017

Christmas Eve fell on a Sunday this year so we went to one of the morning church services. They always need extra help in the children's classes on holidays so Greg and I taught one of the 2 year old classes and Cambry stayed with us as our helper. The kids were sweet and it was fun to love on them. I was sad to miss the Christmas service though! The church had a photographer and a nice set up for Christmas pictures. I love how ours turned out. 

We also took a few pictures at the house. We took the group picture before we left for church (not knowing they would take them at Church) and took the pics of the kids when we got home. My mom always picks out the cutest Christmas outfits for them. Ahhh they are just too precious!

This picture cracks me up: Cambry's fake smile, Colton's "cheese" face, Lainey's eyes closed. Classic.

After church we quickly changed clothes and walked over to the neighbor's house to join in on cookie decorating. They have a long standing tradition of decorating (tons and tons) of cookies on Christmas Eve. We joined them last year and it was fun to do it again this year. 

In the afternoon we hung around the house and Cambry helped me prep a cinnamon roll casserole and an egg casserole for Christmas morning. 

Our cul-de-sac puts luminaries around the circle on Christmas Eve and sets up a fire pit for neighbors to gather round. After dinner we brought out our chairs and joined a number of neighbors by the fire. The kids had fun running around together, riding scooters, eating cookies, and enjoying the warm fire.

Then we came in and got ready for Santa. Cambry did this whole set up. She set out 2 cookies for Santa, a carrot for his reindeer, a glass of milk, a candy cane, and a to-go bag of 2 cookies for Mrs. Clause. She also left a bunch of notes. How adorable are these?!?! I love it!

For Santa Merry Christmas.

And your reindeer.

One bag for you and your wife.

Remember to share the cookies.

I turned the signs around to take a picture but then turned them back around to face the fireplace just like she set it up. She wanted Santa to be able to read them as soon as he stepped out of the chimney. She thought of every detail. Gosh I love her. Christmas through the eyes of a child is the absolute best.

Then we all went to bed and waited for Santa to come!