1) Undershirts. What I am baffled by is not the fact that the "white" shirt fits in better with the colors than it does the whites, but it is the grapefruit sized hole or the series of teeth mark type holes covering half the front that is such a mystery to me. Um, did a beaver escape through your undershirt Greg?
2) The sock-eating monster known as our dryer. This is nothing new to me, I have always battled the dryer for my socks and never come out victorious. But I still don't understand it. Even number go in...odd number come out.
3) Why do we go through 13 bowls in 4 days? There are only 2 of us, and I am the only one who eats cereal in the morning. Do we really eat THAT much ice cream? Shoot.
4) Why is Greg the slowest ice cream eater in the world? He is like the kid on Christmas morning who opens his gifts at such an irritatingly slow speed, that everyone else has to watch enviously after they are done while he still has a whole pile of presents left.
5) Our thermostat. Is it set on 60...or 80? The bar on the thermostat is so huge that it spans about a 20 degree range. Granted we keep it hot enough to melt the Reece's peanut butter cup sitting on our counter (literally), but we do use the AC a bit at night and when guests come over :).
Seriously - you crack me up. I try to check your blog everyday becauseI know you are going to make me laugh!
ReplyDeleteHey - be happy its his shirts and not his underwear that have the holes! ha ha ha! (sorry - that was gross)