I listened to an awesome Piper sermon a couple days ago. It was on Romans 8:14-18, specifically about our inheritance. As children of God we are co-heirs with Christ, and Piper lists 3 things that will be part of our inheritance: The world, God, and glorified minds and bodies. (For more on this sermon go here).
While the sermon was about our inheritance, the thing that stood out to me most, was Piper talking about gifts from God. God has blessed us with so many gifts. But if we love and exalt the gifts more than God, we will be guilty of idolatry. We are all guilty of this. The purpose of God giving us gifts, is not to bring us joy. That may happen, and yes God wants good things for us, but God's ultimate purpose is not our joy. It is His glory. When God gives us gifts, it is that we may see God's goodness in the gifts, rejoice in Him, which then becomes an act of worship. Do we worship God when we receive a gift? Or do we delight in, exalt in, and rejoice in the gift, without adoring the Giver who is far greater than the gift? So why do we pray for more gifts, when we are not responding to God as we ought now with all the gifts we have already been given? Why should we pray for more gifts - jobs, family, health, financial stability, etc, when the ones we have already, have not resulted in overwhelming love and adoration for our Father, but instead love and adoration of the gifts themselves? Do we love and desire and hope in God more than things? More than spouses? More than children? More than relationships? These questions have been so challenging and convicting to me and I pray that they would do more than stir up conviction in me. That they would cause me to recount that good gifts that I have been given, thank and praise God for them, and worship Him all the more.
That's awesome Jana! Thanks for sharing:) I found you through Liz Ramsey's blog and I really enjoy reading your thoughts!