*As a disclaimer, we are not planning on having kids just yet...and we don't know how many, if any, God would choose to bless us with.
Greg: What would you say if I quit my job and went to work for United Way?
Me: Um, did you still want to have four kids?
Greg: Four is kind of......A LOT.
But five is a much more round number.
Greg: Oh you know, it just sort of gets lost in the rounding. It's like "How many kids do you have?" ... "Oh, four or five."
ps - Lauren: don't get too excited just yet. Greg and I haven't agreed on 4. I know you and I sort of entered into that little "pact", for family-expansion purposes...but maybe we should think about lowering the quota. I mean, we have both married into mid-sized families. No need to start populating a small country with Kimmels and Matterns running around everywhere. But then again...we could have the Christmas we always dreamed of.
sorry, sisterly pacts cannot be broken. I side with Greg, 5 sounds better.