Thursday, August 28, 2008

6 Random Facts

I was tagged by Liz to write 6 random facts about myself. Thanks Liz :) I am not going to pass it on, but I will happily take this chance to participate since it gives me something to write about.

Here are six random things about me:

1) When putting dishes away, I feel the need to implement the FIFO system. First in, first out. I cannot bring myself to place freshly washed plates on the top of the stack. That would subject them to excessive and unfair wear and tear. And just think how neglected the poor bottom plates would feel, never getting the chance to be eaten off of? I do not have a good system for glasses however. Usually only the front two rows get used. It takes a considerable more amount of effort to bring the back rows to the front. If anyone has any suggestions, please enlighten me. Maybe I should make a flow chart where the cups would only be taken from one side, and the cups would move in single file lines while in rows. Ok I think that is getting a bit crazy. Or is it?

2) I am slowly getting rid of my morning "cranky pants". I used to require about an hour grace period in the morning upon waking up where no one could talk to me. If anyone attempted, they would receive evil eyes, or if they were lucky a one syllable grunt in answer to a yes or no question. This worked out perfect in college where my roommate Lindsay also wore morning cranky pants. We were perfectly content to get ready in the morning while ignoring each other. Then after the required time elapsed we would go back to our happy selves. Also, I now wake up in the 8's regularly on Saturday mornings. This was practically unheard of for me 2 years ago. Even 1 year ago maybe. Greg is a morning person so it is rubbing off on me. Dang it. I sort of miss my cranky pants and sleepathons.

3) I really like Law & Order. If you have never heard it and think it is dorky, I understand. I was once like you too. But it is so good. And the best part is, it is always on and there are about 3000 episodes in existence. If you ever turn the tv on, you have about a 95% chance that it will be on. Last year for my birthday Casey gave me a Law & Order birthday card that played the theme song when you open it. Dun dun...dun dun dun dun....dun!

4) When I am reading the Bible, and I come across parts of written songs, I cannot help but sing them in my head. It is sort of distracting actually. I just want to read through the passage so I can focus on the words but my mind insists on sing-reading them. And of course I have no idea how the song should go and some are really long, so the tune always sounds horrible in my head. I mean REALLY horrible. Like I sort of get embarrassed that I would even think up such a disgusting melody.

5) My life long dream has been to become ambidextrous in handwriting. I have tried many times to be diligent about using my left hand to practice writing, but it never lasts. I tried to look up success stories on the internet for encouragement, but was disappointed to find nothing. I haven't given up hope though. One day...I will be hand will become fatigued...I will toss the pen to my left hand to finish the sentence and the crowds will go wild.

6) I become immune to perfume smells almost immediately. I can only actually smell my perfume the first fraction of a second that it exits the bottle. After that, nothing. Same with shampoo. So every time I buy a new shampoo I buy a different kind than the one I had last. I wish I could have 15 different bottles at one time and have a 15 day rotation going. Then I would have good smelling hair everyday.


  1. You are fabulously random, and I love it :) I have not had the time to one hand type 6 random things yet... maybe next week (sorry Liz :)

  2. I am so glad I have instilled a love for L&O in you :-)

    So I was in jury duty Tuesday and the defendant was writing with his right hand and them BAM writing with his left. Made me think of you and the fact that I need to practice some more.

  3. Oh my goodness, I thought I was the only person who used the FIFO system. Except I use it on our wash clothes. I don't want the ones on the bottom to feel left out. Maybe it's b/c we're accountants??
