Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hi My Name is Jana and I like Paper

Paper - I can't get enough. If I had a million dollars I would buy all of Hobby Lobby's paper. How could so much joy be held in a 12 x 12 sheet of beautiful paisleys? Or polka dots? Or stripes? I can never go to Hobby Lobby and just buy one sheet. That would be like taking a bite of a chocolate chip cookie and then setting it down and walking away. No one has the strength. I need to buy about 4 sheets to feel satisfied. And even then it is hard to cut myself off. What will I do with all these 50 cent jewels, you ask? Who knows. Doesn't matter. They are pretty and I will find a use for them. I have a whole craft drawer full of pretty paper. Some whole sheets, some half, some scraps. I am insane and I do not let even the smallest scrap go to waste. Oh is that a 2mm strip of paper that fell to the floor? Save it! That's not trash! I have a small pouch for pieces too small to keep track of. I think my dream job would involve pretty paper. There are just endless possibilities that could result from paper in one hand and scissors in another. Actually not scissors, those cool razor slider paper cutter things. Those are amazing. Gosh I am really craving a new piece of paper right now. I will buy one soon. Luckily I will be a regular at Hobby Lobby this month. Lindsay and I are taking Cake Decorating Level 1! Last Monday was our first class. No actual decorating was involved, just learning the basics, that is why no pictures have been posted. Unfortunately Lindsay and I didn't know that and brought cakes to class. The teacher suggested we freeze them and bring them next week. However, I love cake far too much to do that. I came home, put the icing on, and Greg and I had a little cake party. Yum. Next week I will post a picture of cake #1.


  1. I love paper too and I have a little folder for the tiny scraps. I used to go to Hobby Lobby all the time and always get paper but now I don't have as much time or use for it. My drawers are full of unused pretty hobby lobby paper. THe most amazing is when it's half off and you get 4 huge sheets for $1.00! I could go on and on...

  2. Oh my goodness! I've always wanted to take cake decorating and I literally have a file with about 300 12x12 sheets from michaels and hobby lobby! That's so fun! I totally share your passion!

  3. Oh my gosh!! I am going to be so jealous of your cake decorating skills...this is one of the times I wish I lived in Houston and could become a Master Cake Decoratiologist with you guys!!
