Saturday, September 13, 2008

Surviving Ike

Ike has come and gone. Thankfully we are safe and didn't get any damage. The winds were really strong though and woke us so many times, with electricity off most of the night. It came on this morning, which is amazing because I think most of Houston is still without electricity. We are still waiting for the water to come back on, and getting stinkier by the minute. I am thinking about dousing my whole body in coco-butter scented hand sanitizer.

We walked and drove around this afternoon to document the effects of Ike. Here are some pictures, all within a mile of our place.

The tree was resting on the power lines....not good.

There were so many trees down in the neighborhoods near us. Lots of people were out there with rakes cleaning up the mess. We just found out that there is a city curfew from 7pm to 6am. We were going to have a hurricane party at our place but due to the curfew (and no water), we can't. So we will have to find other ways of entertaining ourselves. Here are some things we have done this weekend:

Played 3 games pool (at our apt. complex)
Played Mario Kart
Watched about 4 episodes of 24
Went on multiple walks
Played cards
Drove around
Attempted to go fishing but the security guard wouldn't let us
Cleaned house

Tonight will probably include a couple more episodes of 24 and some chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream :)

1 comment:

  1. We were getting stinkier by the hour too. We decided to go to Dallas and stay with my parents for a few days until we have to be back at work. It was sad we couldn't have the party!
