Monday, October 13, 2008

More Random Facts

I was tagged a while back to do 6 random facts, and was recently tagged again by Lynn. I currently have no blog material, so this is great. I will give 6 new facts...

1) I just bought 3 new pairs of shoes last week, all in one day. Two of them were from Target, and one from DSW. I am not a huge shoe person, but since I wear the same shoes to work all the time they get so worn down. I had 4 pairs of heels in my closet that had the caps of the heels completely worn off, to where the metal spike is sticking through. Sometimes I take them to the shoe hospital to get fixed. But there comes a point when it is no longer worth it. This not only makes walking difficult, but is slightly embarrassing. I have to adjust my walking just to conceal the scraping metal sound that occurs when walking across hard surfaces. Not an easy feat my friends. People notice. And comment.

2) Greg is laying on the floor looking at his flys while I blog. He is calling out the name of each fly as he looks at them in a very loud, deep, announcer-type voice. "Nuuumber 6: BLACK ZONKER". I just keep typing.

3) I started a new book yesterday. Knowing Scripture, by RC Sproul. I have started this book before, but got busy. It has been a while since I have read a book, and really miss it. I forget how much I enjoy it. I was attempting to read a book recently about Jesus and end times, but it was completely over my head using multiple words per sentence that I couldn't even pronounce. I was just getting frustrated. So I am looking forward to this book, and so far it is really good.

4) I am getting excited about Christmas already. My mom, sister and I made a trip to Hobby Lobby this weekend and were looking at their Christmas stuff. My sister and I picked out stockings for our husbands for when we have Christmas at our parents house. This will be Greg and my first Christmas as a married couple. I am looking forward to the following: looking at Christmas lights, singing Christmas songs (the good ones about Jesus, not so much the cheeseball ones), and making gingerbread houses.

5) I spend 3 hours today at work on rounding. ROUNDING. Decimals are my nemesis. Anyone who works on financial reports can relate. Let's start a support group.

6) It took me 45 minutes to type up this list. I keep getting distracted by the tv. A rerun of the Office is on :)


  1. I am SO with you on #5. What does that say about us? :-)

  2. Yay! I just taught my kids how to's difficult.

  3. You said rounding and I thought of a doctor. I was wondering what kind of financial stuff you might be doing with patients in a hospital... :)
