Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ode to my frugal Husband

To the man who reuses plastic ziplock bags

To the man who heats up the last remains of the peanut butter jar in order to scrape that last bit out

To the man who coasts down hills to conserve on gas

To the man who refuses to use napkins at dinner

To the man who only chews 1/2 piece of gum at a time

To the man who does not use the A/C in his car (when alone)

To the man who goes to the restroom at work so he doesn't have to use up much toilet paper at home

To the man who eats red potatoes at work as a snack just so the extra ones we bought don't go to waste

To the man who goes to the dry cleaners once a year

I love you and your frugal ways. I love seeing all the ways you are wise with our money and are willing to make sacrifices. You are so creative in the ways you save. I love trying to sneak your one plastic drinking glass into the dishwasher when you aren't looking so that it can have it's monthly washing. You are a blast to be married to. You are frugal with money when it comes to you, but not to me. You are a generous giver and never hold back on me. Thanks love!

1 comment:

  1. My husband needs to become friends with your husband and study his ways. He uses 2-4 plastic cups every day. It makes me crazy. It's like he can't use a cup more than once. He also throws out peanut butter jars that clearly have enough peanut butter for one more sandwich. I'll pull that sucker out and finish it off.
