When Greg and I registered for wedding gifts, we registered for a crock pot. I really wanted a crock pot. I've never owned one before, but they look like so much fun. I daydreamed about coming home to a big pot of steaming deliciousness after work. Someone was nice enough to give us a crock pot. But 8 months after our wedding, the crock pot is still sitting in the closet. I can't figure out why!
I really want to use it. I think about it a lot. Mostly as I am walking to my car in the parking garage at work, leaving to go home. I think, 'dang it, why didn't I use the crock pot this morning? If I did, then I would have a nice warm pot of yumminess waiting for me; and I wouldn't have to do a thing. Sometimes I even look up crock pot recipes. I plan out meals in my head that will be made in my magical pot. But still, I haven't gotten around to using it. I need help. I need to take action. So I have decided to put myself on a 5 step program.
Step 1: Get out the crock pot
You may be thinking this is an easy step that doesn't even need to be classified as a step. Wrong. The crock pot is not just sitting in a cabinet. No. It is sitting in a box...in a closet...namely, the "wedding closet". The storehouse for all things big and beautiful received as wedding gifts that do not fit in our kitchen cabinets. Even the world champion Tetris player could not recreate what is going on in that closet. And the beloved crock pot is on bottom. You should see Greg's face when I tell him I need something out of the wedding closet. You would think I have asked him to attend a scrap booking meeting with me. Occasionally I get things out of that closet, but the boxes never fit back the same way, and the stacks become more and more unstable. But this step has to be taken. I am giving myself until next Sunday night.
Step 2: Pick out a recipe
This step should not be hard. I actually have a crock pot cookbook, and I have an email list of about 100 crock pot recipes that a co-worker had given me a long time ago.
Step 3: Pick a day to make the meal
I should probably try it out on a Sunday. I could put the food in either before or after church instead of having to get up earlier on a work day to try to figure everything out.
Step 4: Buy the ingredients
Step 5: Fire up the crock pot!
I'll report back after my first crock pot dinner.
At liz Ramsey's shower, we were trying to figure out how exactly crock pots create such amazing meals. I believe there are little crock people that go to work in the pots once the lid shuts. think about it... makes sense
Hey Jana,
Here is a great Crock Pot website.
Hope you enjoy.
It is SOOO worth it. I LOVE my crock pot! And, with most things, you can assemble the recipe the night before, keep it in the fridge, and then just start it cooking before you leave for work the next morning. I even cooked a roast in mine!
I have a really great breakfast recipe that is good for winter. Of course, you have to like hot, hearty oatmeal.
-Oat Groats (Whole Foods carries them)
-2 chopped green apples
For every 1/4 cup of oats, add 1 and 1/2 cup of water. I usually put in 5 servings of oats, it makes enough to last us for a few meals. Throw it all in the pot and cook on low overnight, they are ready when you get up! You can add milk, sweet, seeds, dried fruit, etc...whatever you like!
good luck crock-potting!
My mom always made roast, potatoes and carrots in a crock pot. I tried my 2nd one a couple of weekends ago and it came out better than the first one (the first one was a bit bland). But one of my favorite crock pot recipes is Taco Soup. I'll find the recipe and either post it here or send it to you if I can find an e-mail address for you!
Found it!
Taco Soup
1 lb. Ground meat, browned with large chopped onion
1 can whole kernel corn
2 cans pinto beans
2 cans Veg-all (mixed vegetables)
1 can Ro-tel tomatoes (mild if desired)
½ - 1 envelope taco seasoning
1 envelope ranch dressing seasoning
Do not drain any vegetables. Dump all contents into crock pot and stir. Cook on low all night. Serve over tortilla chips or rice and top with cheese and onions if desired.
I love making chili in my crock pot, but for the most part I'm with you and trying to use it MUCH more than I currently do:) Thanks for the inspiration:)
So fun. I've only cooked one dish in my crockpot. It turned out really good though. I got it off Kraft.com. They have some good recipies. Let us know what you do! My delimma is that I think I will be gone too long and cook it too many hours.
Wait - there are more uses for the crock pot than just cheese dip? :-)
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