Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Aggies, Don't Hate Me

Cause I made this.

On purpose.

But then we sawed off the horns and at them. So it makes it ok. It was for my sister's graduation. However, cakes apparently don't do well after a couple of hours in the car. By the time we got to Austin, the cake no longer looked like it did in the picture. Does anyone remember the cake scene in Sleeping Beauty? If not, just picture a landslide of icing upon a severly deformed longhorn.

Oh yes, there were tears. At least we captured the "before" picture. I decline to post any "after" pictures :)

Here is the pretty UT grad below.

We went up to Austin on Saturday to attend the graduation. It was the best graduation ever! Under an hour. Really. Unbelievable. I didn't even have to bring my graduation-survival-kit (magazine, electronic sudoku, cards, etc). We hung out with my sister and Cody, played with their new dog, then stayed at my Dad's cousins' home and enjoyed a few rounds of catch phrase. It was a fun time haning out with everyone. Here is the gang below.


  1. Forgetting what the cake is (ha!), you did a EXCELLENT job on that cake! It looks awesome! And yes, I do remember the fairies in sleeping beauty trying to make that cake. If only you had their wands and were able to fix it! And maybe have changed it to marroon. :-)

  2. I'm impressed! You are so crafty!

  3. cute cake! did you get my birthday e-mail?

  4. Bloggy McBloggerton where are you???
