Sometime in 2009, Greg and are I hoping to buy a house. Our lease is up in October, so we are praying about where to look for a house. I am looking forward to being in a house, if the Lord allows it. I love going over to friend's houses and enjoying a nice spacious, cozy home. I like to think about decorating ideas. However, I don't want to have my mind so set on a house that I miss out on all the fun we have now. I know there are lots of things about apartment life that I will miss when we are gone, so I am going to take time to list them out so I can remember these fun times.
-I can clean then entire kitchen floor with a dust buster in under 30 seconds.
-Bed Bath and Beyond coupon weeks are amazing. When the mail comes, and it is a BB&B coupon day, my husband will come back from the mailbox with no less than 3 of those coupons. Apparently there are people who check their mail, see the coupon, and then place it in the mail box trash can. I don't know who these people are, but if I saw one, I would probably tackle them, and talk some sense into them. Do you not need things from BB&B? Do you not go to weddings and buy gifts? Do you hate saving money? However, thanks to people like these, we are raking in the coupons and all of our friends are receiving 20% better wedding gifts.
-The pool. Our complex has a great pool. 10 months out of the year it is awesome and just steps away from our door. Greg and I would go for evening swims after work in the summer, or read by the pool on the weekends.
-Free Maintenance! Just this week, I got an email from our apartment asking if we need anything fixed. Leaky pipes? Broken fan? Just call us. Seriously it is awesome. You leave for work, come back home, and the apartment elves have magically repaired everything. I hope that when we have a house people ask us if they can come over and fix things for free.
-Limited capacity for mess making. We only have a certain number of square feet to make messes in. A couple of hours of cleaning can combat even the most disastrous of messes. I am scared of what I could potentially do when given multiple rooms to start craft projects in.
-Greg and I are never far away from each other. It's never like I have to yell, "GREG, WHERE DID YOU GO?". I just turn my head and if he is not in my line of vision he must not be in the apartment.
-Every time we drop the rent by the office we get to pass by the candy bowl and take a treat. I hope the bank sends me a milk chocolate treasure in the mail every time I pay the mortgage.
Oh apartment life, I do adore you.
haha:) I LOVE it! Especially the part about knowing where Greg is all the time. I told Eric we could never get a very big house because I might "lose" him.
ReplyDeleteThe edemame...(might have spelled that wrong) I'm SO glad you got some. Did you get frozen? If so check the packaging for instructions. Otherwise, you just steam it. I usually bring a pot of water to a boil, the drop it in and boil it for about 5 minutes, until it's tender. Then I transfer it to a serving bowl, grind some salt on top and quirt a couple teaspoons of lemon juice over that. It's a staple for us and a great source of protien. (Same thing as soy beans you know.)
Firethorne has a pool, lake (FISHING) and a workout room. It's free, if you don't count the $850 annual HOA fees)!
ReplyDeleteConsider Firethorne, it's moments from the Westpark, I10, and Katy has everything. Also, the schools are good!! We will have our own little Elementary in two years.
Hee hee! You forgot the not having to mow the lawn, weed the flowerbed, and pick the weeds part! Houses are great, but those apartment maintenance elves are sorely missed!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the good reminder of the good things of apartment life. It's really not too bad!
ReplyDeleteyou are too funny- i need some good blogging material! warning- the craft projects do have the ability to take over the house!