Thursday, January 15, 2009

Where to draw the line

Last Sunday Greg and I were leaving our apartment for church. We stopped by the trash bin in our complex to throw away a bag of trash. But wait, what is that we see sitting in a cardboard box next to the trash bin? A hideous Christmas sweater. Not just a sweater. No. A Sweater vest. With lots of 3D Christmas flair. It was hideous, but perfect for an "ugly Christmas sweater" themed party. I would definitely win an award with this sweater of holiday explosion. This was like the Goodwill jackpot. I picked up the sweater by the corner and put it in the car and we headed for church. But then I got to thinking, why was it in the trash can? Why would anyone throw away a perfectly good horrible sweater? What if someone's cat had peed on it? Or someone threw up on it? Or someone with a highly contagious virus wore it and it is now contaminated. Or roaches made their home in it. Oh sick. What was I thinking? I was going to be the star of the ugly Christmas sweater party, that's what I was thinking. But it was in the trash. THE TRASH! I can't believe I touched it. So when we got home from church we dropped it right back off at the trash. And then I scrubbed my hands.

I could have looked good for Christmas '09. REAL good.


  1. Haha! I wish I could have seen it:)

  2. You should have regifted it to someone as a serious present. It would have been great!

  3. I don't know. I've found some really good stuff in trash cans and dumpsters before. :) At the end of the year both years in the dorm at A&M, I would walk down the halls and peek in trash cans to see what great things people were getting rid of. But the best thing I've found was a few years ago I took the trash to the dumpster at our apartment and there was a dining table and two dining chairs in there! The chairs were right on top and not broken or very dirty. I took them out and took them to my classroom where I cleaned them and used them. It was great and also slightly embarrassing.

  4. LOL awesome Jana! I must say Christmas sweaters are one of my favorite parts of the Christmas season. Too bad you couldn't have kept it, althought that was probably the right call. :)

  5. Haha, interesting story! Sometimes, that instant idea lead people to do things that seems strange even to themselves later. I enjoy reading the way you described it:-)
