Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Blog Away From Home

Tomorrow Greg and I leave for Acuna, Mexico, along with 18 others from our Newlywed Sunday School class. We will be building a house (think small....basically like a shed), and spending time with the Door of Hope (a ministry to young mothers).

Our team will be keeping a blog while we are there, so check in for updates. I think that this blog is used by many teams that go to Acuna, so only the posts from tomorrow through Sunday will be from our team.

Ok, gotta go pack!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't read in awhile! I have lots to say: 1. I am praying for y'all on your trip. 2. I looove your new do! 3. Your cake looks amazing! 4. Are you worried about the ladybug b/c I don't want to stress you out! 5. I have enjoyed reading about recession, but am not finished yet. 6. We used our TFIFridays coupon, thank you!
