Friday, February 13, 2009

Recession: Part 4 & 5

Alright, this is the last of the series on Recession. If you haven't read my previous posts, start on Recession Part 1 to get caught up. These are so good. (Piper's words that is, not mine). Here are purposes #3 and #4 from Piper's sermon written out on his website. I love the list of miracles he lists that God has performed. Such a good reminder that He is a good and faithful God. So here are the last 2 of God's purposes in Recession according to Piper.

4. To Guard His Glory by Advancing His Saving Mission in the World Precisely When Human Resources Are Low

We see this all over the Bible. God does his great advancing work again and again when it looks least possible for us.
  • He promises the heir when Abraham and Sarah are too old to have children.
  • He splits the Red Sea when Israel is hopelessly trapped by Pharaoh’s army.
  • He gives manna when there is no food in the wilderness.
  • He stops the Jordan River when it’s time to take the land.
  • When a city stands in the way, he makes the walls fall down.
  • When the Midianites were as many as the sand of the sea, God whittled Gideon’s army down to 300 so God would get the glory for the victory.
  • When Goliath defies the armies of the Lord, God sends a boy with a sling and five stones.
  • When the Son of God is to come into the world, God calls a virgin to conceive.
  • And when the mighty devil himself is to be defeated, a Lamb goes to the slaughter.

Are you like the Macedonians whose joy—in times of “recession”—was invincible because it was rooted in the grace of God? May God open our eyes to glory of his grace. When he does, the last purpose for the recession that I will mention will come true.

5. To Bring His Church to Care for Her Hurting Members and Grow in Love

Buildings exist for people, not the other way around. May no effort to build ever keep us from caring for Christ’s followers. Acts 4:34 describes the early church: “There was not a needy person among them.” This is what the church does. Every member will have his needs met. God will test us to see if we are a church or a club.

May the Lord grant us “Macedonian grace” to “finish the million” and care for each other.

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