Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How to Treasure Hunt

Step 1: Go to http://www.geocaching.com/, and find a treasure near you.

If you haven't heard of this site before, it is a world wide treasuring hunting game using GPS devises. But you can still play even if you don't have a GPS. You can type the coordinates of the treasure into google maps then go out and find it. We don't have a GPS so that's what we did. The "treasures" are nothing to get too excited about. The fun is just finding it. Sometimes there is no treasure - it will just be some sort of container with a log book where you sign your name and date it. Others have small trinkets that you can take but you must replace it with another trinket. Greg's brother first told us about this site, and we have gone on a couple treasure hunts in the past week.

There are treasures EVERYWHERE. There are hundreds of treasures within 10 miles of our place. We walked to a treasure on Sunday afternoon. I won't tell where it is though...I'll let you find it yourself.

Step 2: Locate the treasure using google maps or a GPS, read all the clues, then set out to find it.

Step 3: Search for the treasure, avoiding danger and poison ivy. Oops, Greg didn't follow step 3. His legs are covered in it.

(that is Greg's brother pictured above)

Step 4: Find the treasure.

Step 5: Check out what's inside and sign the log book.

This treasure had a lot of stuff inside. We took 2 items and left new items.

We think treasure hunting is cool and are not afraid to admit it.


  1. WHAT are you talking about?!?!? I told you about this in California when we stayed with uncle chuck!!! Yall were all..."huh? what? lame" And now all the glory goes to Jameson!?!?! Unbelievable!

  2. HAHAHA my brother is obsessed with geo-caching which elicits no small amount of mockery from my end. i generally refer to this pursuit as geo-pillaging, geo-plundering, or even geo-looting. though i do make so much fun of him, secretly i think it is unique and cool :)

    hope you are well, jana!

  3. Wow that sounds so awesome!! I'm going to tell D.J. about it for sure!
