Monday, September 21, 2009

The Stinkertons

We are going on night 3 of an unusable shower.

After several months, Greg and I finally got tired of taking shaths (the dreaded shower-bath that results from a slow/clogged drain where you are standing in 4 inches of water but actually taking a shower).

Greg tried some draino, but to no avail. Actually, things came to a complete halt. Water no longer draining, and actually coming up from the drain. Not a good sign. This took place on Saturday night.

Night 1 solution: Hope the water is gone in the morning.

Water not gone in the morning. Wash hair in sink. Convince self that yesterday's shower still has 5 more hours before it wears off, enough to get you through church. Double up on deodorant and perfume.

Night 2 solution: Maintenance can't come til Monday. Pack up shampoo and towels and go to the Brandenbergers house to shower. Fresh and clean. Thanks guys!

Night 3 solution: I guess maintenance didn't have time to get to our request. Greg and I take different approaches.

Greg's approach: Pre-soap loofa, hop in shower for no more than 13 seconds, hop out and remove all of the accumulated water by means of bucket and cup. A sink hair-washing is scheduled for the morning.

My approach: Decide my lunch time post-workout shower at our work gym is enough to get me through tomorrow. Do a sink hair-washing and call it good enough.

If maintenance doesn't come tomorrow and you are friends with us...and live within 8 miles of us...and have a working shower...and we are close enough friends to where it is not awkward to come over to shower might be getting a call...don't screen our call.

**Ok, I know this is not actually a big deal. Many people do not even have running water, so this tiny inconvenience is nothing. I just needed something to blog about, and this was the current event in our household.


  1. Um no, this IS a big deal. Extremely blog worthy. ;)

  2. Um, this is a VERY big deal. I can't believe how patient you've been!! My gosh! Come over any time. I am in awe of you and your ease at adapting to life's smelly situations :)

  3. Troy and I had this happen a month or so ago. But since we own our condo, Troy was "maintenance." He bought a snake at Home Depot and, well... I'll leave out the disgusting details but it's all good now!

    If y'all need a place to shower, we have 2 bathrooms and you're more than welcome to come over! I know we don't see each other more than 1-2 times a year, but we have slept in the same bed together, so I'd say that makes us "close enough" friends. ;-)

  4. I too, have experienced shaths. Not fun. My grandpa's lake house seems to get this issue occasionally when all the family is down. At his house, in order to avoid taking a shath you must place your big toe at all times on the drain opener button thingy which is on the front of the tub. It's an interesting balancing act.
