Greg and I have been looking into different mission trips because we really want to go on one soon. We found a great one through Living Water International. They send out teams to drill a water well or repair a water well for a community. It really is an amazing organization. Here are a few facts from their website.
- At any given time, half of the world’s hospital beds are occupied by patients suffering from a water-related disease.
- Nearly 90 percent of all diseases in the world are caused by unsafe drinking water, inadequate sanitation, and poor hygiene.
- The weakest members of communities are the most vulnerable; every day water-related diseases claim the lives of 5000 children under the age of five. That’s roughly one every 15 seconds.
Those are crazy statistics. So by the time I get done writing this post multiple children have died of unclean drinking water. I never see this, so I never really think about this. It is heartbreaking though.
Living water not only drills water wells to provide people with clean water, but also tells people about the LIVING WATER, Jesus Christ.
We are applying to go on the Guatemala Trip, September 4 - 11. It is not through First Baptist (although they do a have a Living Water Trip in October). It is directly through Living Water. There are 7 spots left open on this trip.
If you already have off for Labor Day (Sep 6th), you only have to take 4 vacation days. Only 4!
I am hoping my company will pay for the trip. Ya know, since I am in the drilling biz and all. It would kind of be like field training...right?
Ok, not really.
Sooooo, if anyone is considering going on a mission trip this year, this would be a great one to go on. And then we would know someone else on the trip!
That sounds awesome! I would go with you in a minute...except I don't think my principal would appriciate me missing the second week of school. Should be amazing though!
That would be so amazing!! I would love to go, but I can't!!! It will probably change your life forever...
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