Sunday, May 2, 2010

Warrior Dash

I know. It has been some time. Too much time has gone by since my last blog to catch up on so I will just go ahead and pick up now. What better way to come back to blogging than with a Warrior Dash Report? This weekend was Warrior Dash in Forney, Texas.

18,000 people.

2 days.

3.5 miles.






I saw Yoshi, Santa Clause, an Avatar, too many unitards, men in dresses, tutus, vikings, kilts, a hot dog, super heros, lots of body paint, and more.

Here are the warriors before the race.

And here are the wives - supporting our men.

Greg doing a few practice jumps before the race.

Here is my man crawling through mud under barbed wire. Oh yeah.

After the race. No hugs please.

I like this picture because it is like Where's Waldo.

Can you spot the bride and groom? The smurfs? The pink body suits?

I'm not gonna lie, being a spectator at Warrior Dash kind of made me want to do it next year. I said kind of. We'll see. I tried running today, ya know, to get ready. 364 more days to train. Only if the other Warrior Wives will do it with me though :)


  1. Finally! Good to see you are still there! :-) Looks like you all had a great time!

    So - when do we get to see updates on the house? ;-)

  2. I'm thinking about it...but I'm not totally committed!

  3. Joey would have loved that! Maybe a bit too much. This sounds like a race that would actually be fun to watch. J welcome back to the Land of the Blogging! :)
