Sunday, May 16, 2010


I am going with the random list because I don't really have anything too interesting to write about.

- This weekend was the first restful and relaxing and slow weekend I have had in quite a while. It was nice.

- I watched my first episode of Modern Family. Lots of people I know think it is hilarious. I thought it was just OK. So sue me.

- I tried out a neti pot for the first time this week. I found it to be unpleasant yet moderately helpful.

- Lately I have really been into making homemade pizza. I made 4 pizzas this weekend to freeze so that we can have something already prepared on a night where there is no time to cook. I use Money Saving Mom's pizza dough recipe except I used some wheat flour in addition to white. I almost hated typing that because of my next point below.

- It bothers me when I read recipe reviews and people say things like - "this recipe was great except I substituted a for b, used c instead of d, left out the e, and added f, g, and h." Um, then basically it must not have been that great of a recipe.

- And yet, sometimes I do that.

- We bought a filing cabinet this weekend. There are always so many random papers / bills/ etc. that I don't know what to do with, yet I feel I shouldn't throw them away. My current file folders are bursting at the seams which causes me to hate using them for fear I will not be able to close them again. So I am hoping the filing cabinet will help us to get super organized and make me more inclined to file things away sooner instead of letting papers pile up.

- We forgot to buy hanging file folders when we were at Walmart buying the filing cabinet. So it looks like we won't be getting organized quite yet.

- Somehow we did manage to buy the little file folder labels though. Cause we are just that good.

- I have been on an extended "cake break", as I like to call it. With the exception of my sister's baby shower, I have been taking some time off from making cakes. While I enjoy it, it just takes up so much time. And I feel like there are always other things being left undone when I spend so long making cakes. It has been nice though. So I am sorry for those who have tried to order cakes, but I feel like my time needs to be spent doing other stuff right now. Not exactly sure what that other stuff is...but anyway.

- Greg and I walked to Mytiburger last night. It was such a nice night and we didn't even realize we live with in walking distance. So fun!

- We also didn't realize how easily this neighborhood floods! We were out driving on Friday night and some of the streets had such high waters. They even closed down one of the streets near our house.

- Well, this concludes my random list. Ciao.

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