We have been staying busy so far this summer. 2 weeks ago we got to go to Camp 456 in Huntsville with our youth group kids. It was a lot of fun.
Who doesn't love slip-n-slide kickball? Giant tarp + baby soap + sprinklers + over sized kickball = FUN. Didn't exactly get to play...I guess it is sort of for the kiddos ya know...but Greg and I did have a race to see who could slide the farthest while the kids took a water break. Here are Greg and Thomas racing around the bases.

In addition to kickball, other fun activities included swimming, staying up late with the girls, improving my french braiding skills, playing "Little Sally Walker", practicing my runway walk, playing "Categories" off the diving board, and just spending more time with my 6th graders. Not only was Greg there, but two other girl friends were counselors there so that made it really fun.
Here is one of the really cute brunette counselors and his cabin :)

I didn't get any pictures of me with the girls, but here is a good one of some of the girls in my cabin. They are so cute! Way cuter than I was when I was in 6th grade.

Then the weekend after camp we went to Waco to visit with Greg's family. It felt like forever since we had been to Waco and it was fun hanging out with them. Hollyn (our niece) just gets cuter every time! She was talking so much. She loves to go hide and have people find her. She also like to tell people "clap for me!" after she does something neat. We went fishing in the morning and then bowling in the afternoon. It was a really nice and relaxing weekend.
Now I am eagerly waiting the arrival of my nephew, Kyler. My sister could really go into labor any day now. Lauren is hoping she has the baby this week. I am hoping Kyler comes this weekend. Should I get my go bag ready? Charge the camera? Top off my car with gas? Hopefully I will have an update soon.
Also, the other night while I was reading a book in bed, I hear talking coming from the living room. Greg talks to himself a lot, so this was not that unusual. However, he was talking in Spanish. To the computer. Turns out he was doing some online Spanish lessons, ha! So we did a couple of them together. We need to memorize a few key words and phrases before our Guatemala trip so looks like we might be doing nightly Spanish lessons together.
Oh, and in other news this week, I may or may not have eaten a maggot worm. When I looked down at my HALF EATEN peach, there was a small, yet lively white worm crawling about my peach. Sick me out. The piece I was chewing fell out of my mouth. At work. At my cube. Very professional.
I was also held hostage by a roach this weekend for 45 minutes. I REALLY dislike roaches. Really. I have bad dreams involving roaches/bugs on a regular basis - about every other month. Sometimes people like to roll their eyes and tell me things like "They aren't going to hurt you". Please. Roaches are fast, and aggressive. They run toward me. One time when one crawled up the armoire while watching a movie with Greg, I ran and hid in the bedroom while Greg went after it. Next thing I know, the roach is in the bedroom with me! I even had the doors shut. Well I guess it doesn't help that there is a 4 inch crack under all the doorways in our house. Not very roach proof.
Reason #114 why marriage is awesome - husbands kill bugs.

Reason #237 why marriage is awesome - you always have a partner for the HOV. (That is one of Greg's reasons)
1 comment:
I am so grossed out by the maggot!! I love that picture of Greg killing your bugs!!!
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