Monday, October 11, 2010

October - My favorite month

I love October. It is my favorite month. Mostly due to the wonderful weather, honeycrisp apple season, and anything pumpkin flavored. Might as well get in one of my quarterly blog posts while it is still my favorite month. I don't know why it is so difficult to blog. I want to have an up-to-date blog so I can look back and remember what all went on, but usually the idea of blogging just overwhelms me.

Since my last post - a lot has happened.

First, we have been so blessed to have 2 new additions to the family - and they both happened the same week! First, my most precious, perfect little nephew was born on July 8th. We all went up to Dallas for the birth. Greg had to fly in the day after, but that was probably for the best. There were lots of labor/deliver/anatomy vocabulary words used that make him cringe. My poor sister had a difficult labor, but after hours of pushing and a c-section later, she had Kyler.

This picture cracks me up because he looks SO chunky.

So adorable.

A few days after Kyler was born, Greg's brother, Jameson, proposed to Michelle! Now I have another sister-in-law - yay! We drove from Dallas to Waco to be there for the engagement. They are getting married next June and I am so excited for them.

Then in August we went on the Grosse Family Vaca 2k10. We stayed in a lakehouse on Lake Caddo with my parents, and Lauren & Cody & Kyler. We relaxed, fished, kayaked, went on a pontoon boat tour, played games, and played with Kyler. It was wonderful. My parents are so amazing to plan great vacations that we can all enjoy together.

The lake was absolutely beautiful. Who knew? I had never even heard of Caddo lake before this vacation.

I think I am busy rescuing a small frog with my paddle in this picture. (microscopic frog not pictured)

I hope it's genetic to look this good after having a baby.

Ok, what next? Oh yeah, August was also the month for hosting showers. We had a baby shower for my BFF Lindsay, who is due in November (less than one month from today!!). Also, we had a wedding shower for one of my childhood friends, Christine, that I grew up on Heaton Drive with. She moved away when we were kids and now lives in Missouri, but we have visited each other many times over the years. We are flying to St. Louis for her wedding at the end of this month and I am so excited. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures from Lindsay's shower, except the cake. Even though I am sort of retired from cake making (for now), I made an exception since I was one of the hostesses and we have been friends since...oh...second grade!

I copied these monkey cupcakes from some I found online. They took for-ev-er. There has got to be a faster way...

This is Christine and I at her bridal shower.

After the showers, it was finally time for Greg and I to go to Guatemala! It was such an amazing trip. It will have to be a blog post of its own since there are so many wonderful pictures and stories, but for now I will leave you with my favorite picture from the trip. Greg took this and I just love it. Praise God for clean water!


  1. Digging the quarterly posts :) Your nephew is absolutely precious! Love his little girn!! And I can't wait for more photos and stories like the last one - beautiful does not even begin to describe it.

  2. Yeah for you and blogging!!! Kyler is ADORABLE!!! We miss you guys!
