I can't believe it is 2011! I am thankful for a great 2010 and looking forward to this next year. Greg and I enjoyed celebrating the new year with the couples in our Bible Study. We have been with these couples for about 2+ years now so it has been really neat to develop those relationships and grow in our walk with the Lord together. We are really blessed with some great friends.
This year I am really excited about our 2011 goals. I have never been good about setting and sticking to goals. This year I hope to improve, but I feel like we are definitely off to a better start. Tim and Kristen have been a great inspiration to us in how they set goals. We typed out all our goals in all of the various categories (marriage goals, spiritual goals, household, financial, fitness, personal, ministry, etc). One of our marriage goals is to do Sunday night talks - this idea also came from Tim and Kristen. Each Sunday we discuss the week's plans, discuss things we are reading / learning, pray together, and things like that. I hope it will be something that we stick to and will really grow our marriage.
In other news, these are some random things we have been up to lately.
We are now addicted to Settlers of Catan. Thank you Brandenbergers.

This is a craft I did a couple of months ago. I saw this on a crafty blog and copied it. It was so easy to do. How come I didn't think of this before? Use a picture frame as a dry erase board. Genius. I really enjoy using it and I feel like it has helped me keep dinners more organized. I also made 2 of them for Christmas gifts.
The Event.
After Lost ended, I wasn't really ready to move on. I still held on, hoping for a miracle. Season 7 please. Best tv show ever. I want to go back and watch them all again. So what?
I heard The Event was a mix between Lost and 24. Three episodes in and I completely agree. I think I am hooked. It isn't taking the place of Lost, but it is definitely good. I don't even think they have finished season 1 yet. We watch it on Hulu because we don't have tv channels because we are cheap and that's how we roll. All I'm saying though, is they better not stop making this
show mid season, or decide to make only one season and leave me hanging. I feel like it is not that popular though. I don't know anyone else who watches it and I'm not sure why. Does it come on a weird channel or something? Does is get really lame by episode 4? Is everyone sick of Lost and 24 type shows? Anyway, I like it. A lot.

2nd Annual Youth Group Slumber Party. Boys were at our house, girls were at the Allemans. I was a little nervous that when I came home in the morning our house might not be recognizable. Thankfully, everything survived and Greg had it all nice and clean when I came home. At the girls party we ate pizza and oreo balls, played Charades, Mafia, Apples to Apples, and watched a movie. So fun! I didn't bring the camera to get any pictures of the girls, but here is one of the guys playing rock band. I was worried our house would be so lame since we have no channels, our dvd player is broken and we don't have any cool video games. But jr. high boys all have those things so luckily they brought them!
That about wraps it up. Too bad I didn't make any 2011 goals about being a more frequent blogger! My monthly-ish posts will have to do for now.
Once you master Settlers get the Cities and Knights version. SO fun. You'll never go back.
I am very intrigued by this game you are playing! You will have to bring it the next time you visit. And so proud of you for typing up your goals. Wow!! I only made one and that was to floss every night. I am happy to report about a 90% success rate. We miss y'all!
Joey and I have played Settlers a few times and like it! I'll trade you an ore for a wheat...
LOVE LOVE LOVE the menu frame idea. You are brilliant to make those as gifts. MIGHT be stealing that one ;)
Happy New Year!! I love the menu idea as well. Also Branden and I are addicted to Lost too, so I'm glad there are other good options after we finish watching it!
I too love the Event, but I am not sure if they will bring it back :( It was great seeing you guys at Christmas and I wish we got to see you all more often.
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