I will try to blog again soon since I have been so bad lately. I really wish I had more time to update this so I can look back years from now and enjoy remembering all that we were up to. For a super quick update of what has been going on, here are a few things.
Spider problem still a problem, but Greg did help in a huge way. I can now park in the garage! This is a first for us. He hung up the kayaks on the wall of the garage in this really awesome contraption and now a car can fit in there! Now don't think that I haven't still had spiders, cause um, I HAVE. But I am hoping they start decreasing. Just yesterday I had what I thought was a spider on my car, but after calling Greg from the driveway to come out and get it I was informed it was a preying mantis. Oh, cause that makes it better.
I bought 2 new pairs of shoes last week - in the same day! Who am I? And they were not Target brand either. Kinda pricey. But I realize (with the help of Greg pointing this out) that I have a big problem - I wear shoes to DEATH. I wear heals pretty much every day to work, and I wear then until they are falling apart and the metal comes through the heel making the loudest sound when I walk. And then what do I do? I just keep wearing them. Sad. So I finally threw away some LONG overdue shoes and got some new ones. Now I can wear those to death :)
This past weekend we had such a fun family weekend. Greg's family came in town because Greg's brother and fiance had a couples shower in Houston. Greg's family stayed at my parents house and so did we. We are so blessed to both have such great families that get along. It was so fun to have everyone together this weekend.
This coming weekend we will get some more family time as I get to see Lauren and Cody and Kyler. Ohhh I just love that boy. Can't get enough.
Ok, that is all for now.
Thanks for sharing the news!
ReplyDeleteAnd I totally do the exact same thing with shoes! I still wear pairs from high school, and they are awful, ugly, and definitely a safety hazard!