I put up a gender voting poll for fun. Here are some things that may or may not affect your vote.
My first feeling was that this baby is a boy.
At my 12 week ultrasound Greg asked the tech if it she could tell the gender. She looked between the legs and said, “Well, it is too early to tell, but I would guess girl. There is a little something there, but it is not a pee pee.” Ha!
Greg’s mom did the pencil test when I first announced I was pregnant. It said I was having a boy. She says her pencil tests have proved very accurate in the past.
I still eat sweets, but not as much as I did pre-pregnancy.
I have no idea if I am carrying low or high.
I have not peed on Drano.
I had morning sickness that lasted all day and got worse throughout the day. I was miserably nauseous, but only threw up once. This started improving around 15 weeks, although I still feel a bit nauseous at times.
I want a boy and a girl so I will be ecstatic either way. I don't have a strong feeling one way or the other on what it is, but I will make a guess.
My official guess is…Girl
Greg’s official guess is…Boy
We find out this Thursday!
Our bible study group has a tradition that when you find out the gender of the baby, you bring pink/blue snacks to announce the results to the group. Kristen made blue cupcakes and covered the top with icing so we couldn't see until we bit into them. Molly made little pink heart shaped cookies with icing. So fun! Since our bible study is on Wednesday, I have to wait a whole week to tell them! So I won't be posting the gender on my blog until after we have our bible study. I am going to tell people though, just not them -muahaha.
So it seems all my posts recently are just weekly pregnancy updates. But I know if I don’t write it down I will forget what it was like at each stage along the way. I also think it will be fun to read these for future pregnancies to compare and be reminded of what it was like. These details might be boring to everyone else, but I think it is fun to have it documented. And maybe I am just weird but I really like reading other people’s pregnancy updates (even long before I was pregnant). God made pregnancy so fascinating – it is such a miracle!
At 18 weeks I am…
- Having a love/hate relationship with belly bands. It is a great invention, and has saved me from buying any maternity pants so far. However, my belly is tired of being restricted. It wants to be free. As soon as I get home from work I take off the band. Freedom. Also, the band gets bunchy and moves around and scrunches up my pants strangely in the back. Ugh, First World problems (funny youtube video). Life is so rough.
- Wearing mostly maternity shirts now. Regular shirts now look semi-hideous on me. Either too short, or if they are the loose flowy type they just make me look like a blob. Have they ever made a What Not To Wear maternity edition? I am sure everyone violates fashion rules throughout pregnancy, but it would be funny. Some maternity shirts I see I just think – WHOA NO. There is no way that could be a good look. On anyone. Ever.
- So excited that I felt the baby kick this past week! It took a number of days of me second guessing myself (is that just digestion?), but I finally think it is really the baby. I have felt it every day since.
- Snacking a lot. My morning snacks include: granola bar, hard-boiled egg, fruit, chips (which are supposed to be saved for lunch). My afternoon snacks include: string cheese, more fruit, almonds, jello pudding, and anything else I can find at my desk or in the break room. My after dinner snack is either a bowl of cereal, or a homemade smoothie, or ice cream.
- Sleeping great. Obviously sleeping is one of my strengths. Anytime, anywhere. I am very thankful that I am continuing to feel comfortable and sleep well at night.
- So excited to find out the gender!! Still no girl name. I have sort of given up on our deadline since there is a 50% chance we won’t need a girl name.