Saturday, July 9, 2011

Poll: Boy or Girl?

I put up a gender voting poll for fun. Here are some things that may or may not affect your vote.

My first feeling was that this baby is a boy.

At my 12 week ultrasound Greg asked the tech if it she could tell the gender. She looked between the legs and said, “Well, it is too early to tell, but I would guess girl. There is a little something there, but it is not a pee pee.” Ha!

Greg’s mom did the pencil test when I first announced I was pregnant. It said I was having a boy. She says her pencil tests have proved very accurate in the past.

I still eat sweets, but not as much as I did pre-pregnancy.

I have no idea if I am carrying low or high.

I have not peed on Drano.

I had morning sickness that lasted all day and got worse throughout the day. I was miserably nauseous, but only threw up once. This started improving around 15 weeks, although I still feel a bit nauseous at times.

I want a boy and a girl so I will be ecstatic either way. I don't have a strong feeling one way or the other on what it is, but I will make a guess.

My official guess is…Girl

Greg’s official guess is…Boy

We find out this Thursday!

Our bible study group has a tradition that when you find out the gender of the baby, you bring pink/blue snacks to announce the results to the group. Kristen made blue cupcakes and covered the top with icing so we couldn't see until we bit into them. Molly made little pink heart shaped cookies with icing. So fun! Since our bible study is on Wednesday, I have to wait a whole week to tell them! So I won't be posting the gender on my blog until after we have our bible study. I am going to tell people though, just not them -muahaha.


  1. Congrats Greg and Jana! I'm SO, SO, SO excited for you guys!! I vote that you're having a girl just from the standpoint that I was never sick with Tobin and super nauseous with Heidi. It's so different for everyone, though! I love that you're writing about it on your blog. It's so fun for people like me to re-live those feelings and emotions about the whole first baby process. We are praying for you guys and can't wait to find out if it's a little boy Mattern or girl Mattern!

  2. YEAH!!! PLEASE tell me when you find out! I can't wait another week!!!!! My guess is a girl:) So excited for y'all!

  3. Aunt Michelle votes boy
    Uncle Jamo votes girl!

  4. I really want it to be a girl so that's my guess! I just want to see all the fun bows and dresses and crafts you do for a little girl. But I'm excited about a sweet baby too! Baby Mattern we are ready to know!

  5. I guessed girl, but have no real reason as to why! :) I can't wait to find out tomorrow!
