At 26 weeks I am...
- Feeling good!
- Pre-registered at the hospital! I haven’t given much thought to the labor and delivery. It is too terrifying to think about. But I am trying to take care of the stuff I need to do now like pre-register and sign up for classes. So far we have only signed up for the hospital tour, but will probably also sign up for some other classes like prepared childbirth, infant care, and breastfeeding. Are husbands supposed to go to breastfeeding classes too? Or should I say – life partner? (Everything I read in my baby books or on baby websites is so PC that they never use the word Husband. Gotta love it.)
- Feeling like my belly is stretched to the max. I know it is not - I still have 14 more weeks until I am at my “max”, but recently it has been feeling SO tight.
- Sleeping well at night still. Although I have started to get those leg cramps recently. They are basically like charlie horses but it is harder to flex my foot to make it go away. Speaking of feet, I have puffy feet almost every day now. It looks really awesome to have your swollen feet spilling over the top and sides of your high heels. Good thing my pants are long!
- Feeling so many crazy kicks all day long. I love it! I can tell she is getting big because I will feel kicks on opposite sides at the same time. My favorite is when I can feel a body part - although I am never sure exactly what it is. Sometimes I will feel a really big hard spot that makes me think it is a head or hiney. Other times I will feel something pointy (like an elbow or knee) or long and skinny (like a leg or arm). It is so adorable and just another reminder that OH MY GOSH THERE IS A REAL PERSON IN THERE. She is also an early riser. When my alarm goes off at 5:30AM baby girl is already awake - play time!
- Wishing we could decide on a name! I can't tell you how often I get asked that question. No, we do not have a name.
I hated those leg cramps,!!! You look so cute!! No life partners don't need to go to boobie classes.