This is what is going on with her at 1 month...
Size: We don't go back to the doctor until she is two months old so I don't know her current weight or length, but I am guessing she is still pretty big. At her 2 week appointment she was 21 3/4 in. long (98th percentile), 9 lbs. 5 oz. (81st percentile) and head was 14 3/4 in. (83rd percentile). A few nights ago she was laying in her basket all swaddled up and she just looked so long! This measurement isn't very accurate but we thought it made a funny picture.
Her newborn clothes are getting too small so she wears a lot of 0-3 months clothes. Especially since I just started putting her in cloth diapers, which are bulky and take up more room in her clothes.
Here she is after bath time. Her hair looks so blonde after it is washed.
Working on: Tummy time, taking bottles (sometimes successful, sometimes a disaster), using the maya wrap ( I cannot seem to put her in correctly in a comfortable position)
Here is one of her sleepy smiles. Love them.
Eating: She eats about every 3 hours during the day. Sometimes I wonder if she has some sort of heartburn or reflux because during and after some feedings she will just scream and cry. But the majority of her feedings are fine.
I love this girl!
What kind of CDs are you using on her? This time around I am using Bummis Easy Fits and BumGenius Freetimes. I haven't tried the freetimes yet but I have used the easyfits on Ezra. I wondered if she might be experiencing reflux after you mentioned she cried after eating. I don't have experience with it but that was my first thought.
ReplyDeleteShe is so pretty! Looking at pictures of her makes me so excited to have my baby...any day now!
I use the Bum Genius one-size diaper. I think they are almost the same as the Freetimes except you stuff in the inserts. Not sure though, I just now looked up the Freetimes - they look pretty cool. Congrats to you! Ivy is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI am laughing because I wrote that last comment the night before she was born...and I was already having contractions, just didn't think anything of it. Yay for baby girls. :)