Friday, April 20, 2012

Waco Trip

Last weekend we went to Waco to celebrate Hollyn's and Michelle's birthday. We had a great trip. Cambry was such a wonderful traveler. She did so good the whole time. She loved having lots of attention and so many people to entertain her.

Cute cousin picture - Hollyn 4 years, Cambry 4 months

Cambry likes it when Pops plays the guitar for her.

Uncle Jamo and Aunt Mel Mel holding Cambry.

Look at that cute birthday girl!

She is really getting after that pinata.

Hollyn kept wanting to see magic tricks. So Jameson and Greg looked online for some magic tricks, and put on a little show. It was hilarious. If you watch Arrested Development and know the theme song that Will Arnett uses for his magic shows - well Greg played that in the background. He flashed the lights and made a grand appearance. He also decided to put on all these random things he found in Jameson's closet. Hollyn loved it!! What a fun Uncle!

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