Sunday, June 10, 2012

Outdoor Fun

We had a full and fun weekend! Friday night we had dinner over at a friends house. Cambry got to stay up past her bedtime but did really well. She fell asleep on the drive home. She woke up when we tried to transfer her but I just gave her another feeding and then she went down ok.

Saturday we took D and little D to Discovery Green park. I can't believe we had never been there before. It was so neat!

The kids went on Kayak rides on this tiny lake. They have an outdoor theatre where they have live music sometimes, and they also show movies. There was a cute cafe there and other vendors and snow cone stands, etc. There is a really fun splash pad type area that kids can play in. There is another fun fountain the kids can play under and some fun playground structures as well. They have lots of different events, and even story time during the week for the little ones.

D is doing a school project where she has to take care of this baby for the weekend. It is truly a lot of work! This baby is heavy, it cries a lot, has a wobbly neck that you have to support, you have to feed it, burp it, change it, etc. She said it kept her up from 2-4am the night before, ha! Greg and I had to watch it while they kayaked. We got a lot of looks, it was funny. This baby has a loud cry with varying levels of intensity.

It was ironic that the fake baby turned out to be a lot more work than Cambry on our outing. Cambry didn't cry at all. In the car when the fake baby would cry Cambry would just look at it like - What is going on?

Cambry isn't a super cuddly baby, but every now and then she will lay her head on me and I absolutely love it. I could just hold her like that forever, it is so precious!

When we got home we ran inside, grabbed a few things, repacked the diaper bag, and headed over to our Sunday school class social. Some of the guys grilled and everyone brought sides. There were lots of little babies there. It is so fun to have so many friends in the same stage of life.

1 comment:

  1. That is hilarious that fake baby was harder!! I always said we should loan Hollyn out to teenage girls. Birth Control!
