Thursday, July 19, 2012

Anniversary Pictures

I saw this cute idea on Young House Love website to take a picture each anniversary. I think this is such a sweet idea and a fun way to see your family grow/change.

I tried to dig up old pictures from our anniversaries but we didn't always take one or they aren't very good.

Here is a picture from our honeymoon in Hawaii. Aww, newlyweds.

This is on our first anniversary. We stayed at a cute Bed and Breakfast just outside of Houston.

I could not find a single picture from our second anniversary.  We went to Austin and stayed at Barton Springs. I could not even find a picture from the spring of 2010. This is the closest I could find - it is from Tracy's wedding in October 2010.

This was from our 3rd anniversary (gotta love the self portrait). We celebrated a bit late (in April) by going to Austin for a Joe Purdy concert. I was in my first trimester and nauseous.

For our 4th anniversary the Attaways came over and babysat while we enjoyed a nice dinner. We didn't take a picture, but this one was taken in February, so it is close enough.

Going forward I definitely want to try to take a picture each anniversary. I also think it would be cute to take a picture each Christmas and somehow incorporate it into your Christmas decor.

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