Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Family Weekend

This weekend we got to see both sides of our family. Kyler turned 2 on Sunday so we had planned to drive to Dallas on Saturday and stay for his family party on Sunday. Then last minute we decided to drive to Waco Friday evening and stay the night so we could break up the long drive to Dallas. Greg's parents were sweet to let us come last minute and we enjoyed our visit even though it was short.

Saturday morning we drove into Dallas. We met our friends Matt and Emily and their 2 sweet kids for lunch. We hadn't seen them in so long so it was fun to catch up.

The Kimmels weren't getting back from their NY trip until evening so we walked around the mall and got Cold Stone ice cream. Yum. I have been craving some cake batter ice cream since I was pregnant with Cambry. They closed all the Cold Stones in Houston (although I think there are still some on the outskirts in the Woodlands, Sugarland, etc) so I can never get it. It was such a treat!

That evening we had fun chatting with my parents and the Kimmels. Sunday we celebrated Kyler turning 2. What a cute, sweet boy! I think he had a great day.


  1. Oh my goodness, so adorable. Those are great pictures!

  2. Love all of the photos! Looks like a perfect weekend! :)
