Here are a few other random updates on her.
- I think she is done with the paci. She only takes it at nap time, but hasn't wanted it lately. It has been several weeks so I have sort of put them away and she doesn't seem to miss it.
- She is still inch-worming. So close to crawling!
- I think she likes strawberries! At least she likes sucking on one and eating little bits off it when I hold it to her mouth.
- She likes drinking water out of a cup (while I hold it). She hasn't figured out a sippy cup but has sucked through a straw a few times. Just bought the sippy cups with straws but didn't realize they are spill proof so it is really hard to get the water out. She hasn't figured those out yet.
- I think she is transitioning to 2 naps a day instead of 3. Timing is still unpredictable.
- Here is a picture of her scrunchie face which she still likes to do fairly often.
Love moments like this! :) She looks so peaceful. That is nice that she gave up on the pacifier all on her own. I hope Alidia does the same. Alidia loves drinking water out of a cup too. She tries to grab our drinks from our hands all the time now. She has also started doing that scrunchy face all the time too!! It is just too cute. Have a great weekend!