Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Waco Weekend

This past weekend we went to Waco to spend time with Greg's family. It is so nice that his sister's family lives there too and his brother and SIL live only 30 minutes away. So whenever we visit we get to see everyone.

We went swimming on Saturday in Michelle's parent's pool, which is beautiful. It felt great in the water and was really nice to have some sunshine since we have had a week of rain in Houston and it looks like another whole week coming up. Hollyn had a blast. She has taken swim lessons and is really great in the water. Cambry enjoyed the pool time too. Look at this adorable bikini. It was Hollyn's, which Jill had let me borrow, but had gotten hidden behind a basket until I found it recently. She won't be able to wear it for much longer but she sure does look cute.

After a while in the pool Cambry took a short snooze on the swing next to Pops.

Pops entertained the girls with his guitar.

That evening we celebrated Mimi's upcoming 89th birthday. Look how sweet she is. And here she is so happy to have 2 great grandchildren with her. I hope I get to see my great grand children. Cambry and her kids better have kids sooner than I did if that is going to happen!

Cambry doesn't usually nap much when we are in Waco because there is so much excitement she doesn't want to miss anything. Well she made up for it on Sunday. We drive back to Houston in time to be at church for youth class, and she took a 2.5 hour nap in the car. We took her with us to class instead of putting her in the nursery since she was still congested (she seemed to be feeling better though). She fell asleep minutes after getting her in the car to go home and stayed asleep for 3 hours! Sweet little thing was exhausted. We all had a good family weekend.

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