Sunday, August 5, 2012

Gift Ideas

My friend Emily makes the cutest little stuffed animals. She is so talented. She made this adorable lamb for Cambry that she gave to me for my baby shower. I absolutely love it.

Somehow I didn't realize that she sold these on Etsy, but recently I just saw all her adorable creations and I had to share.

I just ordered a personalized lamb for a friend and I will definitely be ordering more because I just think these are so sweet. 

She has so many fun fabrics. You can get them personalized with a name, a bible verse, or whatever you want.

All the pictures (except for the one of my lamb) came from her facebook page - Silly Dilly Baby. Also, her Etsy store is here.


  1. Oh my gosh... love these!! They are so sweet. I think I will order one for a friend who is due in Dec! :)

  2. I just ordered one for one of my friend's newborn. I love these lambs!!
