Sunday, August 19, 2012

Monthly Pictures: Month 8


Our little Cam Sandwich is 8 months old! I think each month she just gets more fun, more beautiful, and I love her even more! When she was first born I hated the thought of her growing up at all. I didn't want her to get any bigger or change one bit. And yet, every stage she seems to bring more joy into our lives. What a gift.

I feel like there is a lot to document this month.

Size: We just weighed her on our friend's scale and she is 19lbs 14oz. She can still fit into some 6 month clothes, but then she can also fit into some 12-18 months clothes. I guess mostly if it is around 12 month size it fits. She wears size 3 in disposable diapers. She still has the most scrumptious baby legs.

Likes: Dogs! We started taking her to the dog park down the street just to see her squeal and laugh. Not sure if baths are still on this list. Lately she cries during baths. Not sure if it is because she is just so ready to nurse since she knows she gets fed right after bath, or if she no longer likes baths. She still likes getting out and about, walks, being lifted in the air and also elevator shaft (with daddy). She likes drinking water from a cup (while I hold it), and food! (more on that below).

Dislikes: Baths? Bottles, pacis (won't take them any more)

Working on: Crawling - She is getting really good at inch-worming, and will sometimes get up on all fours. She can definitely get to where she wants to, but doesn't do an all out crawl yet.

Eating: She likes food!! I don't know how it happened, but suddenly she likes to eat food! She likes rice cereal, strawberries, mango, apple, banana, cheese, blueberries, and pear. I have bought a few of those Plum organic pouches and she seems to really like them (not gonna lie, I tried them and they are pretty delicious). She still nurses about 7 times a day.

Sleeping: Bedtime between 7 and 7:30pm, and wakes up around 6:30am. Usually wakes up once around 3 or 4 or 5 am to eat, and will occasionally sleep through the night. Normally takes 2 naps a day. The first one 45 min - 1 hour, and the second one 1 1/2 - 2 hours. If one of those is really short she may take an additional cat nap in the late afternoon.

Other things to note:

She now has a total of 4 teeth. Her top two front teeth came in several weeks ago.

She is "talking" more and more. No real words, but lots of cute babbling and sounds.

She is starting to get a bit of separation anxiety. Sometimes when I leave the room she cries (very dramatically). Also, she has gotten a little fussy and cried when I have dropped her off at church when I go to work out the past couple of times. Also, sometimes if she can't see me or she thinks she has been left she will cry until she sees me or I pick her up.

She is also starting to get scared at loud noises. She does not like the blender and sometimes even the ice dispenser startles her.

She has started "sympathy crying". Sometimes if another baby near her is crying she will start crying. She sticks out her lip and breaks out in tears - it is so pitiful.

She really doesn't let us rock her anymore. She either falls asleep nursing, or we lay her down awake and she goes to sleep on her own (sometimes naps result in lots of crying, other times it is fine), or she falls asleep in the car (running errands).

Well I think that about covers it. She is still a very happy baby and so much fun. We love her to pieces!