Friday, August 31, 2012

Random List Update

Here is a random update of what has been going on around here lately.

I finally started working out and it feels so good! For anyone who lives near Houston's First Baptist Church, the gym membership is a great deal. They offer some fun classes. I have been going to Zumba and Lift lately. I feel so weak and tired ever since having Cambry so I am hoping to get some more energy and build some muscle. Cambry has been doing good in the nursery while I work out.

Last week my parents offered to watch Cambry so Greg and I went on a date night. We tried out a new sushi restaurant and had fun just enjoying some alone time.

I am loving making baby food right now. I keep wanting to buy new things to make and freeze. So far I have made apples and pears in the crockpot, butternut squash, peas, plums and peaches. Yum yum!

Cambry is pretty mobile with her army crawl. It is so cute. She doesn't get up on all fours much but she can definitely get from one place to another. She can also go from laying down to sitting up by herself.

Cambry is getting skinny! Well, maybe not skinny, but definitely slimming down. The other day I was looking at her arm and all of a sudden it looked long and slender. Her rubber band wrists are almost gone!! It breaks my heart a little to see her baby fat disappearing as that means she is growing up. We go back to the doctor in mid September and I am curious to see where she falls in the weight percentile.

Greg's parents and sister and niece came to visit us this weekend. We had so much fun hanging out, shopping, and eating out with them. So nice of them to drive down to see us! Hollyn is so sweet to Cambry. She even fed her one of her meals - it was so cute.

So thankful for a nice, fun 3 day weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jana, it is Lauren (Katie Charpiot's friend). Katie gave me your blog address a while ago and I have been reading it and love it. Cambry is one month older than my daughter (Molly) and it is so fun to see how similar they are. I just thought I should post on here to let you know you have a random reader. :) Hope you are doing well.
