Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Fall is my favorite season. I love the weather and the decorations and all things pumpkin! I am looking forward to going on more walks and enjoying the cooler (relatively speaking) air. And yesterday was the best day because I went to Kroger and they had honeycrisp apples! One more reason to love fall.

I am not much of a seasonal decorator. I really don't change out my decor at all because I don't want to have to find storage places for my out-of-season decor. I always admire other people's fall decorations but just don't really do much myself. Plus I feel we don't have a lot of places to decorate (no fireplace/mantle, no dining room, etc).

But this year I kind of want to decorate a bit (inexpensively). And since I have been wanting a craft project to do I think this will help.

So far I bought a few baby pumpkins/goards to put on my kitchen table. I also bought some scrap burlap for 60 cents at Hobbly Lobby today that I want to put around a glass hurricane like this.

I also think these pumpkins are cute so I am going to try to make one.


What did we do before Pinterest?

1 comment:

  1. I love autumn and miss it so much! I love looking at all the seasonal decorations but rarely do any myself.. especially as they look a bit silly here in a place where leaves don't change, no pumpkins, etc. Some year I hope to take Alidia back to Canada for a real autumn! :) And to celebrate Halloween!
