Sunday, September 30, 2012

Smoothie Recipe

My friend Lesley commented on my Sweet Tooth post and shared a smoothie recipe with me. I tried it out and it is so tasty. It is too good not to share.

1 banana
1 T cocoa powder
1 1/2 T peanut butter
1 T honey
1/3 cup milk
1 cup ice

When I first tried it I thought...hmmm, not bad. But as I continued drinking it got better and better, and by the end I was wanting more. This is a yummy sweet dessert that is much healthier than a bowl of ice cream :) Thanks Lesley for the recipe. Enjoy!

By the way - the picture is from making the recipe x 1.5.


  1. Mmm this looks so good!! I think I might have all the ingredients in my house as well so I'll have to try it today! :)

  2. Glad you like it! Sometimes I squirt a little chocolate syrup in there too :)
