Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November Catch Up

I have not been good about blogging lately. Where has November gone?? Well Greg had to go to Virginia for a business trip and was gone for 11 nights! That is the longest I have had to take care of Cambry by myself. She was so sweet and good the whole time but I was still exhausted and ready for him to be home by the end. I went to Waco to see his family and stayed with them one night. She did good on the trip and it was fun to see everyone. I also stayed at my parents house one night here. Other than that I just stayed busy working out, running errands, and meeting friends for play dates.

I am very excited about Thanksgiving! Both sisters are coming in town so it will be a fun family time. Then I guess that will officially kick off Christmas season, although I feel like all the stores have kicked it off months ago. I have only bought one thing so far. I need to get busy. This time last year I think I had all my shopping done since I didn't know when Cambry would come.

Cambry is turning one in less than a month!! I thought I would be so so sad but actually I do not feel that sad. I can't guarantee I will not be sad on the actual day, but for now I am just so in love with the little baby / little girl she has become. I am having fun planning her party already. We are keeping it small, pretty much just family. Actually, I think we may end up having a lot of family there which is really exciting, so it may not be that small after all. And of course I am looking all over Pinterest for ideas. I don't want to get all crazy but I do love crafts and anything involving pretty paper and or ribbon so I am having fun making a few decorations.

Well I guess I will finish this post off with a few pictures from this month. I have not taken a single picture on our nice camera this month, only iphone photos. So here they are.

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