Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Very Merry Christmas

We had a great Christmas celebrating Christ's birth with lots of family this year. I feel so blessed to have so many sweet family members to spend the holiday with and that I can squeeze my baby tight. We had a good friend lose his father on Christmas Eve, and I just think about all those families that lost children in the school shooting and how heartbreaking this time is for them. It is a reminder that life is short and God gives and takes away and we never know what may happen tomorrow. That is such a scary thought to me but it does remind me to be so thankful for each day.

We went to Waco on Saturday and stayed until Christmas day. The guys went hunting Saturday while the girls went shopping. On Sunday we went to church in the morning, then ran some errands in the afternoon. We had a lot of fun opening gifts that evening.

Cambry was so proud to ride around in her new car from Nana and Pops.

Somehow I forgot to get a picture of the 3 (almost 4!)  Bryants.

On Monday Greg and I took Cambry to the mall to get her picture taken with Santa. She didn't cry or fuss at all. She just sat there and looked at him. It was pretty funny. She was pretty serious though, so we didn't quite get a smile, but at least she didn't cry!

That afternoon the weather was beautiful so we went to the park. 

We were hoping our little hike would help Jill go in to labor, but no luck!

That evening we went to the candlelight service at church and then came home and relaxed. We left the next day after lunch. We were hoping Anderson would make his debut before we left but unfortunately he didn't. That's ok though, he will come at just the right time. Little miss Cambry came 9 days late so sometimes babies just take their time and it is definitely worth the wait.

We stopped in Navasota on the way home to visit Greg's grandma for a bit. Then when we got back to Houston my parents came over so we could do Christmas gifts together. They brought over a delicious dinner - ham, sweet potatoes, and lima beans. It was great and I didn't have to do a thing! Cambry had fun opening and playing with her new toys.

So thankful for a very Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful photos!! Hope you and your family had a lovely Christmas.
