Monday, December 17, 2012

Monthly Photos: Month 12

Our little one is a year old! What a precious, happy, beautiful, one year old we have! She is pure joy to us. I thank God all the time for blessing us with Cambry. this past year has been wonderful. She has grown and changed so much since the day she was born.

Here she is in the hospital. She had brown hair and her face looks so different to me. I remember as soon as I delivered her I looked at her and it was the strangest most surreal moment. I did not recognize her, she didn't look familiar. I kept thinking, who is this baby? I thought it would be this instant magical connection, but it was more like she was a stranger. The bonding came right away though, and even though I don't see how it's possible, I fall more in love with her every day. I can't imagine life without her. She is he best gift. I love her to pieces.

Here is what she is up to lately...

Size: Will update this tomorrow at her one year check up, but weight is probably around 22 lbs. She wears around 12-18 month clothes, size 3 shoes, and size 3 diaper.

Likes: Walking while we hold her hands, walking while pushing things around, opening cabinets and pulling things out, little kids and dogs, going to the park, her baby doll, waving to strangers, pointing at everything

Dislikes: Not being allowed to open or get into something

Working on: Walking! She has taken a few steps and can stand for a few seconds on her own at times.

Eating: Breakfast is usually puréed fruit, half banana, and baby oatmeal mixed together. Lunch is usually a sandwich and grapes, and dinner is sometimes scrambled eggs and cheese, yogurt, fruits/veggies, some of what we are eating, etc. For the past month she has nursed 3 times a day but I just dropped to 2 yesterday.

Sleeping: She goes to bed between 7:00 and 7:30. Lately she has been waking up between 5:00 and 6:00 am to nurse and then will go back down until 7 something, and a couple times even past 8. She takes a morning and afternoon nap. Times vary dramatically but I guess on average a nap lasts an hour.

Other things to note:

She has 6 teeth still, and the doctor said 2 molars have just popped through although I haven't been able to see them yet. That brings the total to 8.

Sometimes she will give kisses and it is the sweetest thing. She really just touches her face to your cheek but it is so adorable.

Can't really think of anything else specific. Of course every little thing she does I think is adorable and she has the sweetest, most joyful personality. Love you Cambry Paige!

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