Monday, December 3, 2012

Wedding Weekend

I realized I forgot to publish this post! The weekend after Thanksgiving we drove to Dallas for my friend Katy's wedding. I was honored to be a bridesmaid! We left on Friday to go to the rehearsal and dinner. The wedding was Saturday at the Bingham house in McKinney. The ceremony was outside on the front lawn and the house was just adorable.

I was worried how Cambry would do with everything, but she did great! I realized that on Saturday while I was getting my hair done and hanging out with the girls, that was the longest stretch I had been away from Cambry - 6 hours! Can you believe it? I know that probably sounds a little crazy. The girl doesn't take bottles and up until recently has always had to nurse every few hours so I could never really be away long at all. Well now we are down to nursing 3 times a day (morning, noon, and night) so Greg was able to take her all afternoon. It felt really strange, but I had some fun girl time.

Here is the lovely bride. Her hair was beautiful! I loved how they did my hair too, but unfortunately didn't get any pictures of it (well the back/side anyway, that was the cool part).

Jessica was helping Katy practice for her first dance, ha!

This is not a good picture of Cambry, but I had to show this beautiful dress my mom got her. It is her Christmas dress, but it was perfect to wear to the wedding as well.

So dark, but was trying to capture how cute she looked.

Phiebs and I.

The 4 of us were in a bible study group freshman year at A&M. It was fun having a little reunion.

Cambry got passed around a lot during the reception and was such a trouper staying awake and happy until the very end.

Congrats Katy and Matt! Enjoy being newlyweds!

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