Monday, January 28, 2013

Weekend Fun

This weekend was full and fun. Friday night we attended Midnight Madness at our church. It is a leadership training event that has lots of good speakers and last until midnight. The training was great and I feel motivated and encouraged to work harder at ministering to the kids in our youth group. I am so glad we went. I dropped Cambry off at my parent's house that evening to spend the night. They had fun babysitting her and she had a blast playing in their fun play room. After the training Greg and I spent the night at my parent's house too. I needed to be there in the morning for her since she still nurses when she wakes up.

Saturday Greg had a fun guys day at a friend's ranch. They did lots of manly things like skeet shooting, hunting, and who knows what else.

While Greg was off with the guys Cambry and I met some friends at Chickfila for lunch. Then we headed over to a nearby park. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous here. After the park we came home and she took a nap. We went on a walk when she woke up because it was just too pretty to stay indoors.

Cambry wore her new dress from Gigi to church on Sunday. I thought she looked like such a little doll. I love this dress.

After church I went to a baby shower while Greg and Cambry hung out at home. It was the cutest shower and everything was monkey themed.  I made some stir fry for dinner that night and then we started on season 2 of Downton Abbey. What a nice weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Aw...those pictures of Cambry in her church dress remind me of Karsyn at that age! So stink'in cute!!

    Enjoy her at this goes by way to fast! (sniff, sniff)

