Monday, February 11, 2013

Birthday Festivities

This past week was a bit adventurous. Greg was in Prague for work for a week. My nephew turned 1 this past week so it worked out well for me to go with my parents to Dallas to celebrate his birthday.

While in Dallas I got to take Cambry to a class at Kidville with my sister and her two boys. It was a lot of fun. I think Cambry was a little young for some of the activities (tried to eat play dough and crayons) but still had fun.

We had fun playing outside, watching videos of Hayes' first year, and eating yummy food and cake. It was a really fun trip...except for the night. It was mass chaos. I can't even really describe all that was going on but basically no one got much sleep. 3 toddlers, 2 dogs, and 5 adults in a 3 bedroom house turned out to be nuts. Poor Kyler was sick with fever too. So we didn't end up staying a second night but drove home after dinner and it was such an easy drive home since it was Cambry's bedtime.

Then this weekend (Greg was back, yay!) we went to a 1 year birthday party. My friend Erin's little boy was born on the same day as my nephew. Roane had a really fun party. The kids had fun on wagon rides.

We also ran some errands this weekend. Camry is so funny she will just pick stuff up and walk around with it. I think she is going to be a girly girl. She loves purses - will carry them all around. Loves baby dolls. Will put on clothes and walk around the house. Will put on things like necklaces or bracelets. I love what a cute little girl she is.

We also finished organizing our closet this weekend so I will have to do a post on that soon. We have so much more storage. And it seems Cambry is doing so many funny things lately but I will have to do a separate post on that too. I have been getting behind on the blog!

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