Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

We had an interesting Valentines Day.

First of all, someone ran a red light and hit Greg while he was driving. We are so so thankful that he is ok (and the other driver too). Those things are always so scary and then there of are course lots of things to deal with afterward with car repairs, insurance, etc. But most importantly he is ok. So thankful for God's protection.

The day started off good though. Greg surprised me with homemade pancakes this morning. What a sweetheart. They were delicious.

Later in the morning I had a dentist appointment (happy valentines day to me!). But I do have the best dentist in the world so that makes it better. (Dr. Macaluso by the way, if you need one! Goes to our church too.) They even handed out roses today! And I love the hygienist that cleans my teeth. She has 2 little girls. Her youngest is very close to Cambry's age so we were pregnant at the same time. We always have lots to talk about. In fact, I think we are going to get together soon, ha!

My sweet friend Erin treated me to lunch today so that was fun. Roane slept through it but Cambry had fun eating with us.

Then we headed to Target. Cambry was being so funny! She was in the silliest mood so I just had to take pictures of her. She kept doing funny things and I would laugh and she would realize she was funny.

This cute little Valentine's outfit that she wore was from Greg's mom last year. It was huge on her last year so it actually still fit this year! (although a little tight on the belly).

Here is my little valentine last year. Aww.

I tried to take a picture of her in the same chair to compare but she could not be bothered by being still.

I am busy mom, I have books to read!

Busy carrying both babies at once.

This evening after all the mess with the car accident we went to dinner as a family for some fun. We went to Candelaris (pizza). It was perfect since there were so many other families with kids there.

Hope everyone had a good Valentines Day!


  1. That is such a cute outfit Cambry is wearing.

  2. I am so sorry about the car accident but so glad he was okay!! Aww these photos of Cambry are just adorable. It looks like she was having fun. My, how she has changed a year! :) She sure is beautiful.
